The Hindrance "Shambler, Slow" should force redraws of action cards greater than 5 and should ignore Jokers.
As you can see in this screenshot, the very slow big leaf swallower has the Shambler Hindrance, but it got a joker and kept it.
What's odd is that the code looks correct.

This came up in our Dead End game while someone else was GMing. I though maybe the zombies were cheating (being evil undead brain suckers), but I was able to repeat this in my own game in a different setting with a different creature.
To reproduce, add a new custom special ability to a creature and write "Shambler, Slow" into the name. You can see the Hindrance working by the text in the message window and that no card above 5 is ever used, except for jokers.

We survived the undead horde, but it would be nice if we could get them to play fair and avoid having the GM manually adjust their cards.

