1. #1

    Monster sheet powers default to open (showing the attack/hit parsed data).

    Is it possible to default the 4e monster sheet action powers to be open having access to the attack and hit parsed data for drag and drop? This is something that is always accessed and currently is requiring an extra step to open it (clicking the magnifying glass icon). Also the open/close state is not remembered so if I open the powers and then the panel is closed, I have to reopen them next round. I suppose an extension could be made if I had direction :-)

    Example with the actions powers open:

  2. #2
    I would like to second the request above. I ran a rather large combat last Thursday and having to reopen each power on each enemy combatant every round had me pulling my hair out by the end.

    Powers open by default would be perfect. Remembering the current state of the sheet would be next best so that we'd only have to open everything once.

    Thank you,

  3. #3
    Thanks for the report. An adjustment was made to default the powers to expanded. You can still click on the power name to toggle.
    Please run a new Check for Updates to get the latest changes.


  4. #4
    This adjustment makes a huge difference.

    Thank you from me and my Thursday Night group!

  5. #5
    At the risk of sounding repetitive...

    Thank you again. We just finished our game session and it went so much smoother.

    Your hard work is appreciated!

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