Fantasy Grounds Merchandise
  1. #1

    5e Item Treasure button

    Putting up my first extension. Pretty fun to start getting into Moding for FG. I was inspired for this one while running a DND 5e campaign for my kids and their friends.

    The Treasure Button Extension is designed to augment the 5E Ruleset and CoreRPG Library Viewers. It has the following functionality:

    1. Add a Treasure button to the top of the Items window next to the Gear button.
    2. Item - Treasure panel that opens when you click the Treasure button on the item view.

    The Item Treasure simplifies the grouping to remove the () parts of subtypes. This groups Gemstones and Art Objects into a single group for DMG-provided content.

    I would greatly appreciate any feedback on this extension.

    As always, keep on gaming!!!


    PS hit me up on Discord anytime.

    Thanks everyone.

  2. #2
    Update: I've made the button visible to players to ensure everyone can access it. This update does not include any functional changes. However, I've refined the code to enhance compatibility with an upcoming Treasure-related Extension currently in development.

  3. #3
    Thanks for this, avermhir!

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