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  1. #11
    Yes, the guide of how to use different rolls is what attracted me in first place since I had no clue about how to use rolls, so I decided to stick with morecore. Basically in what I'm more interested with us to be able to add an attribute stat value to the roll, to automatize the results directly to the stats like if I received damage or I was healed to reflect it directly in the character sheet, and to use this changing values in a string, so it can be as automatic as possible. The idea is to have a fast paced game session focused more in the action than to calculating the results. So thanks for the recommendation I will start using xcore. And about the dice mechanics I think it's a d20 system, for most of the rolls I will use d20 but there are skills that will use a variety of dice, from d4 to d20
    Last edited by Big Reptar; February 5th, 2024 at 01:22.

  2. #12
    damned's Avatar
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    Im not actually recommending XCore - just gathering more info.
    I do think XCore can probably do all or most of what you want (well it cant put 11 entries in the CT).
    It can add modifiers from other stats etc. Rollover/Rollunder d20 rolls are easily done.
    You can also modify other stats from rolls.
    Do look at the doco for XCore.

    It may however be that you are better off building a ruleset from scratch in the Ruleset Wizard if you want to get things exactly as you want them!

  3. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    Im not actually recommending XCore - just gathering more info.
    I do think XCore can probably do all or most of what you want (well it cant put 11 entries in the CT).
    It can add modifiers from other stats etc. Rollover/Rollunder d20 rolls are easily done.
    You can also modify other stats from rolls.
    Do look at the doco for XCore.

    It may however be that you are better off building a ruleset from scratch in the Ruleset Wizard if you want to get things exactly as you want them!

    Oh ok, I get it. I totally agree with you about using ruleset wizard, the thing is that I lack the knowledge and also I struggle understanding and learning from the tutorials. So my first shot was to use a generic system from FGU, and then import it to ruleset wizard an do some minor tweaks, but I realized that it was more difficult or almost impossible to do so, and trying to make the whole rule set from scratch will be more than a challenge to me, but I'd like to understand the system first in FGU so I can have more information and know exactly what I'll need. So if it's ok with you, I think that I can make it work as the original plan, to have the character sheet from morecore and just make the changes that are doable, and start the game tests to receive the feedback and make the changes to the system if applicable

  4. #14
    damned's Avatar
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    Please spend an hour on XCore and see if it can do most of what you want.
    I have not added any new features to MoreCore recently - new work will mostly go to XCore.

    Once you know what platform Ill give you some basic guidance on what you can change.

  5. #15
    Perfect, I'll do it, I'll try it and I'll let you know by tomorrow, so I can have enough time to test it out, and I'll decide what system I'll be using, thank you so much

  6. #16
    Yes, you were right XCore is practical and also kind of easy to use, well considering my lack of experience, also as you say that it will have future support and updates, I´ll change to XCore. If there is still a chance of getting a custom character sheet I´d appreciate it so much. Still, I understand if it´s not possible, another thing I´d like to know is if there is more help material for calculation rolls, I kind of understood the dice strings thanks to the examples in the guide, but actually I´m not grasping everything from the calculation rolls. And thanks for all the support

  7. #17
    damned's Avatar
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    There are some free XCore extensions in the Forge. Ones you should check out include:

    1. XCore Strings
    2. XCore New Roll Extension
    3. XCore Fantasy Fonts
    4. XCore Sample Theme

    With those (duplicate them and then crack them open and edit them) you should be able to add a good degree of flavor and customization for your game table.

    WRT calculation - post your query or issue along with screenshots.

    EDIT Added Theme

  8. #18
    Thank you so much, I´ll start meddling with the ruleset, and if there is any doubt with the rolls I´ll post them in the WRT Calculation channel, I just have one last question in case I need any guide or help on editing the extensions is there a dedicated channel or can I ask you directly?. As I mentioned the editing will be pretty much simple and I will make very newbie questions

  9. #19

  10. #20
    Thank you so much, man. I´ve been able to make it work so far. And now I´ve tried to edit the Xcore theme, to change the wallpaper, and the image in the chat window, and tried to change the welcome message from the chat window as well. What I did was to change the .ext to .zip and then I unzipped it and opened the extension.xml with notepad ++ I tried 2 methods first I just replaced the images and kept the same name and I saved it, renamed it, zipped it, and changed it to .ext and put it in the extension folder and launched an updated FGU and it didn´t show up in the extensions. then I tried to not only replace the images but also rename them and did the same as before to test it in FGU and the same thing didn´t appear, did I do something wrong, is this the correct way to edit the extensions? I appreciate any help you can provide.

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