5E Product Walkthrough Playlist
  1. #1

    Stream Deck With FGU!


    I recently got my hands on an Elgato Stream Deck and got to work to create a way to use it with FGU hotkeys!

    So I re-created the menus with quick access to some features (modifiers/next actor/afk switch etc) (5e ruleset)

    Main menu:

    (example) Tools folder:

    How does it work?
    Pressing the buttons activates a certain hotkey (for example: ALT+CTRL+F1)
    If something is stored in that hotkey it will trigger it.

    The cool thing is you can export hotkeys! (found in campaigns/your_campaign_name/usersettings/hotkeys_host.xml)

    the .zip file attached to this post contains all the hotkeys already stored.
    I used most of the complex combinations (like ALT+CTRL+SHIFT+F1)
    but there are still a lot of free hotkeys to use! (F1-12;CTRL+F1-12;SHIFT+F1-12;ALT+F5-12;CTRL+SHIFT+F1-12)

    How to make it work:
    1. Download the .streamDeckProfile file below
    2. Go to your streamDeck app>preferences>profiles>(down arrow on bottom left)>import and import the profile
    3. Download the hotkeys_host.xml file below
    4. Drop it/paste it in any FGU campaign under campaigns/your_campaign_name/usersettings/hotkeys_host.xml (THIS WILL OVERRIDE YOUR CURRENT HOTKEYS)

    How to make it work as a PLAYER
    1. Drop the hotkeys_host.xml in any joined FGU campaign under cache/campaign_name/usersettings
    2. Delete the hotkeys.xml file (it goes without saying that it will delete any current hotkeys)
    3. Rename your hotkeys_host.xml file as hotkeys.xml

    Have fun!
    Attached Files Attached Files

    Rejoignez la communauté Francophone de fantasy grounds sur Discord! https://discord.gg/wrZ3WQuHKH

  2. #2
    Thanks for posting this. The "hotkeys_host.xml" information is helpful!

    For others looking at Stream Deck and Fantasy Grounds settings, I will point out that this requires the SuperMacro Plugin by BarRaider (which requires Microsoft Windows).

    I also found that the SuperMacro buttons in the profile didn’t have icons, but that may be due to missing SuperMacro on my Mac.
    Fantasy Grounds Unity on macOS Monterey (v12) with an Intel Mac

  3. #3
    sadly I don't have a Mac to know how this would work on other OS...

    I found the icons in the core RPG ruleset file (under graphics->sidebar. most of them should be there I believe) if you wish to replace them

    Rejoignez la communauté Francophone de fantasy grounds sur Discord! https://discord.gg/wrZ3WQuHKH

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