1. #1

    D&D 3.5 NPC Stat Block Importer

    Is there a way with the current ruleset to import an NPC stat block from a PDF? If not, are there any extensions available that are free? I did see the Advanced Bestiary by Green Ronin has this function, but I don't want or need any of their material or templates, just stat block importing functionality.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Elihu View Post
    Is there a way with the current ruleset to import an NPC stat block from a PDF? If not, are there any extensions available that are free? I did see the Advanced Bestiary by Green Ronin has this function, but I don't want or need any of their material or templates, just stat block importing functionality.
    I do not think that there is one specific for 3.5E, there was one for PF1, I think One could try to use that one

  3. #3
    I meant Pathfinder or 3.5 either one. Anyone know where I can get the PF/3.5 Monster/NPC Stat Block Importer?

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Elihu View Post
    Is there a way with the current ruleset to import an NPC stat block from a PDF?
    there is not an option for reliable, turn-key conversion of pdf stat block. (fyi: pdf format is unreliable and would need manual clean-up to use with a stat block converter -- see below)

    Quote Originally Posted by Elihu View Post
    If not, are there any extensions available that are free? ...just stat block importing functionality.
    you can review this tool from another thread; it should do the job.

    good luck.
    roll dice. it builds character.

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