Fantasy Grounds Merchandise
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  1. #61
    My pleasure. Special thank you to you for your first post being on here and helping to bring this feature to life.
    FG License: Unity Ultimate License
    Timezone: -5 EST/EDT

  2. #62
    Hey, first of all thank you for not abandoning such great extension with all that's been happening to your life.
    Today I've installed this extension and so far this seems to be working great, but if you don't mind I've some suggestions and some minor bugs.

    - To see the contents of the dropdowns, you must change te shapeshange type at first.
    - Should have the option to show/hide from the character sheet or could be in a new tab so it doesn't clutter that page for characters with a lot of spells.
    - You should be able to filter by CR;
    - It would be nice to have a custom list with predefined monsters that the player could add as their favourites;
    - Type of shapechange selector should be a dropdown;

    Do you have this project on github as a public project?

    This are just some sugestions and for all that matters the extensions is great. Thank you one more time

  3. #63
    Thank you for the compliment and suggestions. Feel free any time to ask questions or make more suggestions.

    Quote Originally Posted by MCN View Post
    - To see the contents of the dropdowns, you must change te shapeshange type at first.
    - Should have the option to show/hide from the character sheet or could be in a new tab so it doesn't clutter that page for characters with a lot of spells.
    - You should be able to filter by CR;
    - It would be nice to have a custom list with predefined monsters that the player could add as their favourites;
    - Type of shapechange selector should be a dropdown;
    Due to certain limitations I cannot work around for the sake of having campaigns playable, players cannot interact with the extension directly for applying shapechanges. The shapechange information was originally designed for the player and GM use, but when GM's would load every monster compendium they had it blew up the campaign database to unexpected levels resulting in major lag and unplayable games. I tried for weeks to find a work around but had to settle with making it GM only for applying the shapechanges. I did toss around the idea of making a selected list that would be shareable, but again, that runs the risk of slowing the game down immensely so I opted not to include it. As such, only the GM sees the change interface since only the GM can use it for applying the change. But I will look into making a new tab specifically for the type of shapechange in use for actions and spells, doing so would require the player to alternate between tabs for shapes that would allow the use of their own abilities in this case.

    Currently using the clickable field was not a permanent feature, but I think you are the first to confirm the thought that it should be a dropdown instead. So that will be handled as soon as I am able. As well selecting this changes the following drop down categories. CR is included but I think it was limited to abilities like Wildshape, Polymorph, and True Polymorph. Since Shapechange and Disguise were not bound to CR levels I changed the filters to Type and Size instead.

    I hope this helps to illustrate why some of the things were done the way they were. But I will definitely look into addressing the shapechange type selector, which shouldn't take long, and making an extra tab for the shapechange abilities(though this may take a lot of time, as I'm not as well versed in UI for FGU).

    Thank you for the suggestions. Again, feel free any time to make some suggestions or ask questions. Later!
    FG License: Unity Ultimate License
    Timezone: -5 EST/EDT

  4. #64
    Correction, I am fixing the bug that prevented Polymorph and True polymorph from using CR.
    FG License: Unity Ultimate License
    Timezone: -5 EST/EDT

  5. #65
    Hello, thank you for your response. I see why some aspects of the extension works like this, but i still think that the change shape menu should be in other tab.
    One thing i noticed is that if the mode, in the Actions Tab, is at combat, the actions of the beasts doesn't show, only at standard. The combat mode, at least for me, is better because only the character prepared spells are shown, and in Standard all character spells are shown.
    The thing is that in Standard all the character actions are shown and i suppose that's not the intention.

    One more question i have is if it is possible to create the ability of just drag and drop a creature into the Wildshape new tab or actions tab to "select" the best instead of using the dropdowns. In this way the dm could choose the "version" of the beast with token. (and i am aware that the DM can drop a token in the token field of the extension).

    Best regards

  6. #66
    Fix pushed! Update FGU to get it.
    FG License: Unity Ultimate License
    Timezone: -5 EST/EDT

  7. #67
    Quote Originally Posted by MCN View Post
    One more question i have is if it is possible to create the ability of just drag and drop a creature into the Wildshape new tab or actions tab to "select" the best instead of using the dropdowns.
    This would require an entire redesign of the extension. Although possible that would exhaustive and would require a great deal of time to facilitate with my other active projects.
    That being said, I do like the idea and will look into it. However, I want to stress now that I am not promising the update. But I will see if it is possible to facilitate with my schedule.

    [Edit]:: I was unaware of the mode changes not showing. Unless the form you are changing into allows for the use of items and character spells like the shapechange spell does. I assumed players wouldn't have access to their character abilities anyway. I will look into fixing the issue so they show on other modes but don't expect an immediate update as it's going to require more FGU UI learning. (I know the issue is that I did not enable the compatibility simply because it took ages to learn what I managed to get in.) I will have to design the interface for each mode.
    Last edited by MyGivinOpinion; September 8th, 2024 at 15:00.
    FG License: Unity Ultimate License
    Timezone: -5 EST/EDT

  8. #68
    Tested a fix that seems to work for the shape attacks. Since they are not Equipped in the preparation mode they will not show in combat, simply toggle them to equipped on the Preparation Mode and they will show in Combat mode.

    Screenshot 2024-09-08 100644.png
    FG License: Unity Ultimate License
    Timezone: -5 EST/EDT

  9. #69
    Hi, thanks so much for the updates. Please don't get me wrong, i am not asking you to change everything i just want to give some insights and suggestions, you do what you see that can be achievable. I just think this is a very promising extension.

  10. #70
    Hi again, loving the extension.

    Sadly having a problem with it after updating for the new 2024 ruleset. The shape change area is at the top of my players character sheets. Currently running no extensions except for this. Included a screenshot of the error message and a screenshot of the character sheet with the misplaced shape change area.
    Attached Images Attached Images

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