Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
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  1. #91
    I hope he/she working on it for fix it.

  2. #92
    Yeah, change modes on the actions tab is definitely still broken....

  3. #93
    As is the panel for players (as in it's not there at all for players, only GM)

  4. #94
    Why can't I see the wild shape info on the bottom of my actions tab? My DM can see the info when looking at my character sheet, but I cannot see this info. Would really like to use this extension. Am in a 5e campaign.

  5. #95
    Quote Originally Posted by Harl54 View Post
    Why can't I see the wild shape info on the bottom of my actions tab? My DM can see the info when looking at my character sheet, but I cannot see this info. Would really like to use this extension. Am in a 5e campaign.
    On page 7 of this thread there is an explanation given by the creator about that:
    "Due to certain limitations I cannot work around for the sake of having campaigns playable, players cannot interact with the extension directly for applying shapechanges. The shapechange information was originally designed for the player and GM use, but when GM's would load every monster compendium they had it blew up the campaign database to unexpected levels resulting in major lag and unplayable games. I tried for weeks to find a work around but had to settle with making it GM only for applying the shapechanges."

  6. #96
    Thanks for that MCN -- I now hope the author can fix it so the modes on the action tab work properly...... *begging*

  7. #97
    Really hoping we get a fix for this.

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