Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
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  1. #11
    It's working great. Thank you for this. It will save a ton of time.

  2. #12
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    May 2011
    Colorado, USA
    @lprchaun - please stop posting links to this thread in other threads. Refer to the paid creations rules I posted a link to in post #6 of this thread - namely "Items which are not free should not be posted to any other thread on the forums."

    I’ve removed your posts in other threads.
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

  3. #13

  4. #14
    Seems there's a conflict between this and Theogeek's Improved Critical. It doesn't break anything crazily; but the crits ignore his extensions parameters completely.

  5. #15
    Extensions like these have to utilize a method that supercedes what FGU normally does without breaking what it needs to do.
    If there are two things that are modifying the same thing they might not be able to coexist.
    I will look into it tonsee if anything can be done

  6. #16
    Are there currently only 2 reroll damage options for this ext right now? Or is there ways to customize others or are others being added?

  7. #17
    I programmed these for 5E feats.
    What other damage reroll options are you talking about?

  8. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by lprchaun View Post
    Extensions like these have to utilize a method that supercedes what FGU normally does without breaking what it needs to do.
    If there are two things that are modifying the same thing they might not be able to coexist.
    I will look into it tonsee if anything can be done
    Hello! I just got a notification that our extensions collide in some ways. I'd be willing to look into it as well but I don't have your extension. My extension does have wrappers around onDamageRoll, onDamage, and modDamage, but they are set up like this:

    -- Name: onInit()
    -- Description:
    -- This function initializes the option menu items and
    -- sets up the handlers.
    function onInit()

    ActionDamage.onDamageRoll_IC_External = ActionDamage.onDamageRoll
    ActionDamage.onDamageRoll = onDamageRollWrapper
    ActionsManager.registerPostRollHandler("damage", ActionDamage.onDamageRoll)

    ActionDamage.onDamage_IC_External = ActionDamage.onDamage
    ActionDamage.onDamage = onDamageWrapper
    ActionsManager.registerResultHandler("damage", ActionDamage.onDamage)

    ActionDamage.modDamage_IC_External = ActionDamage.modDamage
    ActionDamage.modDamage = modDamageWrapper
    ActionsManager.registerModHandler("damage", ActionDamage.modDamage)

    -- PF2 uses a spell damage handler. Use a custom ruleset init function for it.

    which allows my code to use the wrapper and then call whatever function was assigned to those names when it was executed.

  9. #19
    Yes, also use the Wrappers. I am guessing the problem comes into play because of two extensions using onDamage/onDamageRoll wrappers.

    I ahve been extremely busy with my real job and have been unable to look into this more deeply. sorry and will get on it as soon as I can.

  10. #20
    Cool. No worries. I'll help with my extension if you need it.

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