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  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Saagael View Post
    8/1/2023 Update

    System Changes
    • Using a skill name as a tag for the "ASSET" and "EFFORT" effects now correctly applies an asset or level of effort.
    With this, would the correct tags be ASSET: might, ASSET: Might, might ASSET, or some other way to list the effect?
    Thanks for everything!
    The beginning of any story is a happy accident; the end, a tragic fate.

  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Poe the Homunculus View Post
    With this, would the correct tags be ASSET: might, ASSET: Might, might ASSET, or some other way to list the effect?
    Thanks for everything!
    The correct format for the ASSET effect, and almost all other effects, is "[effect]: [number] [tags]". For your example it would be "ASSET: 1 might". Casing shouldn't matter, so either "MIGHT", "Might" and "might" will work.

    Instead of using a stat like might, you could also put in a skill name there. So "ASSET: 1 Stealth" would grant an asset to stealth skill checks. Again casing doesn't matter, but the skill does need to be spelled exactly the same as the skill on the character sheet.
    Last edited by Saagael; August 15th, 2023 at 04:46.

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Poe the Homunculus View Post
    With this, would the correct tags be ASSET: might, ASSET: Might, might ASSET, or some other way to list the effect?
    Thanks for everything!
    I should also add that if you're unsure of how to format an effect, I created a plugin for the Effect Builder extension that will do most of the work for you. Relevant links on the effects thread:

  4. #24
    To better support y'all I've made an actual wiki site that documents most, if not all, of the features I've added to the ruleset. I'll be keeping that site more up to date my posts here, as it's easier to update and track changes on the wiki. If you find any errors or gaps in the wiki let me know and I'll get it sorted.

    Fantasy Grounds Cypher System Wiki

  5. #25
    Saagael, have I told you that you are an amazing FG demi-God?
    Thank you!!
    The beginning of any story is a happy accident; the end, a tragic fate.

  6. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by Poe the Homunculus View Post
    Saagael, have I told you that you are an amazing FG demi-God?
    Thank you!!
    I think you have, but thank you very much. I really appreciate it

  7. #27
    8/29/2023 Update

    As mentioned in an earlier post, I've published a separate wiki for all of the info about how to use the ruleset. If you're not sure how something works, the wiki probably explains it (and if it doesn't, let me know and I'll add it). Many windows have had help links added to them that links to the relevant page on the wiki.

    Full Patch Notes

  8. #28
    wndrngdru's Avatar
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    Jun 2015
    US, Central (UTC -6 or -5)
    The GMI threshold is awesome! HORROR MODE, BABY!
    I'm so bassic

  9. #29
    11/14/2023 Update
    A handful of small changes and fixes that include:
    - GM intrusion threshold increased to 20
    - Added DT effect, which handles damage thresholds
    - Updated the special defenses section of PCs and NPCs to make it more understandable and flexible to use.
    - Costs are now visible on abilities regardless of if the ability is an action or enabler.
    - Handful of bug fixes.

    Full Patch Notes
    Last edited by Saagael; March 11th, 2024 at 17:53.

  10. #30
    3/11/2023 Update
    A handful of small changes and fixes that include:
    - Updated how special armor works for PCs and NPCs
    - Armor can now either be applied as flat damage reduction, or as a damage threshold
    - Descriptors, Flavors, Ancestries, etc. can have abilities added directly in the Other tab, and no longer need to be added via drag/drop.
    - Enabled the initiative tracker that's new in FG 4.5
    - Fixed help links across the ruleset
    - Fixed bug causing generic armor to not be applied
    - Fixed bug with ongoing damage applying Armor
    - Fixed bug that caused players targeting an NPC to incorrectly target for defense rolls
    - Fixed issue when buying advancements
    - Fixed rolls putting "TARGET" text in chat
    - Fixed issue preventing players seeing other players' health bars

    Full Patch Notes

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