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  1. #1

    Honor and Intrigue Feedback thread

    The Core Book and extension can be purchased here.


    This is comes with an extension and the core module. Please make sure you load the extension when you start your BoL game.

  2. #2
    hawkwind's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    London Calling
    a few typos/lay out errors in the reference manual. Under boons dueling style listed twice plus Master of disguise header in grouped in with the previous boon. On the character sheet there is no place to list Motivation apart from in the general notes

  3. #3
    hawkwind's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    London Calling
    also Dodge is missing from the maneuvers

  4. #4
    Dodge is an effect and is handled by clicking the Dodge button right above your weapons area on character main page. Dodge, melee, brawl,parry and ranged are used a lot so they are all integrated into main page. That being said I will make a record, its just unlike unlike other maneuvers there is no roll. So it is only for information.

    Thanks for the typos I'll address it hopefully before next Tuesdays update.

    So I think with regard to motivation it deserves its own entry on the notes page. Real estate is at a premium on main tab and the motivation could be lengthy.

  5. #5

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by bayne7400 View Post
    Dodge is an effect and is handled by clicking the Dodge button right above your weapons area on character main page. Dodge, melee, brawl,parry and ranged are used a lot so they are all integrated into main page. That being said I will make a record, its just unlike unlike other maneuvers there is no roll. So it is only for information.
    While true, there is some benefit to it being listed as a maneuver. I'm assuming the tick mark on the "Actions" tab next to the Maneuver is to show that it is "Mastered". While there is no roll, with the Maneuver, you can't mark it as you do other maneuvers.

  7. #7
    Looking at it, Dueling Styles are just specialized Boons. I recommend creating them AS boons, so that you aren't scrolling through the Dueling Style boon to find what you need. That way, instead of dropping the Dueling Style boon, you can drop the appropriate Dueling Style instead.

    If it doesn't step on any toes, I can create the Dueling Styles as an extension to do just that. I DID have to create the Dodge Maneuver, as several Dueling Styles referenced it.
    Dueling Style Boon Image

    The benefit to keeping it as a separate extension, you don't have to use it if you are using the Duelist's Guide - whose fighting styles supersede H+I
    Last edited by Mach5RR; June 6th, 2023 at 07:04.

  8. #8
    Yeah I said I was adding the dodge record in the previous post. It was an oversight. I'm going to push updates after the FG beta release comes out.

    An Extension sounds like a great idea to address that. However there is a clickable box next to your weapon attack. If you toggle that it will roll your boon die.

  9. #9
    OK, I'm running into some issues here.
    First, the NPC Offense section shows Advantage and Composure, but the PC Offense section does not. It shows "Strength", "Agility", "Melee", and "Ranged". While somewhat useful, this could go on the Party Sheet (see the CoC rulesets for this) as its not really useful for combat. The lack of me seeing the PC Advantage and Composure hurts, as I have to examine the PC sheet itself if I want to track this information.

    Second is the NPC sheet. There is no "Advantage" block on the NPC sheet, and it would benefit the GMs if there is one. I didn't think this was important, but I was trying to bring in an NPC from "The Duelist's Guide", and he has a starting Advantage of 8. When I drop him into the combat tracker, it sets the the Advantage at 1 (instead of the default 3). Which is fine if I can remember that I'm supposed to adjust this, but my memory ain't that great. Plus, if I'm building the adventure out for someone else to use, they may not even know to adjust the Advantage.
    Also, from the NPC sheet, I figured that rolling the base stat was the perfect way to roll a maneuver for my NPC. In this case, If I wanted him to make a Parry roll, I would just make a "Savvy" roll, and then add his Melee. And then I found that NPC stat rolls add double the stat to the roll (any of the four). If my "Daring" is a 2, I get a roll of 2d6+4. This only does this on the NPC sheet, and the PC sheet rolls 2d6 plus the stat.
    And lastly, you have checkboxes on the NPC tab for "Villain" and "Pawn", but none for "Retainer". This is a minor issue, as it seems checking neither is the default position for creating a Retainer.

  10. #10
    I got to admit I'm having a hard time trying to distill what you issue is. The first paragraph refers to the combat tracker I guess?

    The second issue is you want an advantage block on the NPC record?

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