5E Character Create Playlist
  1. #1

    LFP - Frontier Scum

    Hail and or Howdy!

    We are elbow deep into a sandbox of a campaign with no defined goals other than having some fun...

    Per the details

    I am hosting a Free Game weekly as I have an Ultimate License for FG Unity.

    Game time runs as a 5-hour session every Saturday from Noon till 5pm (UTC -5 = Eastcoast Time)

    Full game details can be found here:


    Today the group consists of (3) players and (1) GM looking to add +3 more

    I can be found on Discord at;


    Looking forward

    Stay GAMING!

    Last edited by Morbid-Don; May 11th, 2023 at 18:59.

  2. #2
    Lol, love the title. This sounds fun. If I didn't already have two Saturday games I would be all over it!

  3. #3
    Update 4/22/23

    So its become a crew of two AKA a Dynamic Duo!

    The Firebug Lemms was away setting up an inferno somewhere - meanwhile... (one player absent)

    The two players began their session at the Resolution Oil Fields with no Blue Collar Cunning Man around - instead they took up their steeds and wagon - deciding to rush past the main camp at the head of the canyon oil fields. The wagon jostled and bucked as it passed by wide-eyed indigent camp then racing through and past the town above!

    They would take themselves back to the mystery of the Mirage-like town...

    Upon arrival there was a new Frontier Scum denizen looking down from the Mirage-town's Boothill. The solo player watched as the other two players road into the abandoned town. With that - the scene was set for an eventual introduction - as night began to fall this new player come out and introduced himself openly to the two others. These were questions posed and in a short time all sides would be breaking bread by the campfire.

    Food stocks were low - so in the next few days the players hunted and rest - as the latter activity would be needed after tangling with a Cougar while on a hunt. The horrible cat ripped the new man up good.

    Once fully mended - the trio rode back into Town - upon arrival they took to the big red barn in town to hideout at; while the new player made a friend of the town's local simpleton - this in turn would allow the player a ride back into the oil fields without issue...

    But the world turns and as such - the main and only Hotel had a gathering at its very doorstep - as men had come and collected themselves there. The group could be overheard discussing burning down the property - with others warning not to do so!

    The event herein was the bodily-transmutation of a Worm Doppelganger (former player #1) who all along was leaded the team towards his Miracle! Meanwhile his bodyguard had been reconstituted (former player #2) into a giant lashing man-thing of meat and sinew - which emerged from the Hotel!

    A quick plan was put into motion as the players goaded the Meat-man into the National Bank - for within the Bank were (4) riflemen that all the players knew about. Within the bank there was a set of catwalks (like a casino) that are above the main ground floor area. The ensuing fight buckled the roof to the place and in the end after about 20 seconds of firing into the Meat-Man he fell...

    Now all eyes were upon the big Hotel; coming in close to the property causes the doors to swing open and a fleshy tongue of corded muscle to lash out and under a man - thusly swallowing any such unfortunate (lol)

    With that one player opted to enter the property and figure out the details...

    Inside the player would heard the gruff tremendous boom-voice of his former comrade by a Worm-bound mind repeating his name over and over. The player would be subsequently spit out of the Hotel (i.e. a Building-Sized Mimic). Miraculously the player landed without a broken bone outside of town itself - like a canon ball (lol). Once the players rallied - the decided on to hell with this town / Hotel issue - and now they ride back to the town called Situation!

    Day later they arrive back in Situation.
    As the trio eased into town - to have a look around (seeing as they last left the location after robbing the local casino - though that specific player was gone now - having transmuted into Worm meat)... But as things go there was a special event happening in Situation - for the gun festival was going on (think a competition like the Movie 'the Quick and the Dead'). Of this occasion the players spied something very unsettling as they saw riding up the main lane a strange cowboy.

    There was a tarantula the size of a large man riding a horse - it was wearing a ten-gallon white hat and was armed with revolvers aplenty! The players noticed how nobody else in the town seemed to notice (the tarantula looks like a normal cowboy to all NPCs as its 'power'). So the challenge became who can keep their cool and just walk by the enormous arachnid - one player failed his Slick Test - resulting in him skinning his guns and blasting Fluffy Jeff dead!

    The other players - namely the Undertaker then butchered poor Jeff in order to extract his venom glands - people in the town who looked on were horrified and called for some sort of justice as Jeff was just bushwhacked ~ FIN

  4. #4

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