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  1. #1

    Thumbs up Cyberpunk Red Resources for CP Fans!

    Below is a gaggle of links for the CP Red FGU fans!

    "A modern Cyberpunk Red Ruleset for a modern virtual tabletop platform such as Fantasy Grounds Unity!"
    -Laerun, FGA

    Cyberpunk Fans Resources:

    Here is a list of semi-official and official DLC resource releases for the Fantasy Grounds Unity VTT platform and the Cyberpunk Red rule set:

    Cyberpunk FG Map Pack assets:

    1.) Atlassian Wiki Guide: https://fantasygroundsunity.atlassia.../Cyberpunk+RED
    2.) Official CP Red Fantasy Grounds forums thread:
    3.) Fantasy Grounds Forge DLC:
    4.) CP Red for Fantasy Grounds Unity:
    5.) Drive-thru RPG Cyberpunk Content:
    6.) Semi-Related sub-Reddit thread for previous and early development phases:
    7.) Cyberpunk R Talsorian Main Website:

    Fantasy Grounds Unity+Cyberpunk Red archived Stream Links: River J Gray Sean SPS & Nightstride FGU Devs FGA Preview. Cybernation: Ron Mulligan

    R. Talsorian's Blog Article about the FG VTT platform work.

    Content Creation Resources:
    Official R. Talsorian's Homebrew policy-
    Futuristic Fonts:

    Please suggest Fantasy Grounds Unity VTT related resources and tools.
    Last edited by Laerun; March 3rd, 2024 at 05:13. Reason: Updates
    FGA Founder
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    Discord Alias: Laerun#6969

  2. #2
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    I've got a question... how about some good, modern, CP fiction books? Something written in the last decade or so. I've read Nueromancer etc, but am looking for something fun and new.

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    Community Contributions: Gemstones, 5E Quick Ref Decal, Adventure Module Creation, Dungeon Trinkets, Balance Disturbed, Dungeon Room Descriptions
    Note, I am not a SmiteWorks employee or representative, I'm just a user like you.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by LordEntrails View Post
    I've got a question... how about some good, modern, CP fiction books? Something written in the last decade or so. I've read Nueromancer etc, but am looking for something fun and new.
    Some suggestions and some newer books combined.

    Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson (1992) - A groundbreaking novel that weaves together a rich tapestry of virtual reality, ancient mythology, and an action-packed narrative. Stephenson's unique style and captivating storytelling make this a must-read for any Cyberpunk fan.

    Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Philip K. **** (1968) - This classic Cyberpunk tale serves as the basis for the iconic Blade Runner film. Explore the blurred lines between humanity and artificial intelligence as you follow the story of Rick Deckard, a bounty hunter tasked with retiring rogue androids. In my opinion, the book is as good as the movie, if not better.

    Altered Carbon by Richard K. Morgan (2002) - A gritty and thought-provoking novel that delves into themes of identity, immortality, and the price of technology. Its complex protagonist, Takeshi Kovacs, and the high-stakes, action-packed narrative make this book a thrilling read.

    Ready Player One by Ernest Cline (2011) - A nostalgic adventure through a virtual reality world, packed with pop culture references from the '80s and '90s. This novel is perfect for gamers and geeks alike, combining a gripping story with a love letter to the era's geekdom.

    Second Variety by Philip K. **** (1953, novelette) - Though a shorter piece, this novelette showcases ****'s mastery in crafting gripping and thought-provoking stories. Set in a post-apocalyptic world where humans struggle against their own self-destructive creations, Second Variety will keep you hooked till the very end.

    Repo Virtual by Corey J. White (2020) - A heist story set in a futuristic city controlled by AI, Repo Virtual explores the impact of technology on society and individual freedom. The book has garnered positive reviews, and I'm looking forward to reading it.

    Automatic Reload by Ferrett Steinmetz (2020) - A fast-paced action thriller with a cybernetically-enhanced protagonist, this novel promises to be an exciting addition to the genre. Although I haven't read it yet, it's on my to-read list.

    The Future is Blue by Catherynne M. Valente (2018) - A collection of science fiction short stories, some of which touch on Cyberpunk themes. Valente's work is known for its beautiful prose and imaginative world-building, making this an intriguing addition to any reading list.

    The Thin White Line by William Control (2022) - A recent release that I haven't had the chance to read yet, The Thin White Line offers a dystopian narrative set in a world where an oppressive regime is challenged by an underground resistance movement.

    The Blood of the Unicorn by Ryanne Glenn (2022) - Another new release, this novel promises a Cyberpunk world filled with magic and advanced technology. As I haven't read it yet, I'm eager to explore this unique blend of genres.
    FGA Founder
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  4. #4
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Thanks Laerun!

    Problems? See; How to Report Issues, Bugs & Problems
    On Licensing & Distributing Community Content
    Community Contributions: Gemstones, 5E Quick Ref Decal, Adventure Module Creation, Dungeon Trinkets, Balance Disturbed, Dungeon Room Descriptions
    Note, I am not a SmiteWorks employee or representative, I'm just a user like you.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Laerun View Post
    Second Variety by Philip K. **** (1953, novelette) - Though a shorter piece, this novelette showcases ****'s mastery in crafting gripping and thought-provoking stories. Set in a post-apocalyptic world where humans struggle against their own self-destructive creations, Second Variety will keep you hooked till the very end.
    It's very funny that Mr Phillip K. ****'s last name is censored! I understand the reasoning, but it's still amusing

  6. #6
    Official Website: R. Talsorian Games

    Fantasy Grounds Unity Edition:

    Drivethru RPG PDF edition:

    What is Danger Gal?: Cyberpunk Fandom
    Last edited by Laerun; August 15th, 2023 at 06:54.
    FGA Founder
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  7. #7
    The third link for Drivethru takes us to the FG store instead
    The beginning of any story is a happy accident; the end, a tragic fate.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by LordEntrails View Post
    I've got a question... how about some good, modern, CP fiction books? Something written in the last decade or so. I've read Nueromancer etc, but am looking for something fun and new.
    And @Laerun- I strongly recommend the Vurt series by Jeff Noon. It features a bit of drug use and virtual reality hacking (trigger warning: incest in the first novel). The second novel, Pollen, is great!! If drug-use and sex is too bit much to start off with, read the novels Pollen, Nymphomation, and Automated Alice. I would recommend that order. The novels center around a world much like P.K. D-ck's after WW3 and environmental decay. Pollen
    (Raven Desk Games made a RPG about the books - which I have playtest and contribution credits in - but it's Cypher System rules)

    Second, The Private Eye by Brian Vaughan (the same who does work on Saga and Y: The Last Man) is a 10-issue comic series about cyber-end-of the world stuff. His comics tend to start off a bit silly and become something more profound after comic three.

    For some cool movies - check out Zone 414, Anon, and cannot recommend enough, Cowboy Bebop live-action - all on Netflicks. Edit and I - on Max - is a good animated film in line with the classic Ghost in the Shell. Check out Strange Days too, which was overshadowed by The Matrix released at the same time.

    I have a Tech-Noir or Mirror Shades metaphysics focus (what is real?) instead of "Cyberpunk", the cyber-detective than the street-punks of the future.
    Waiting for Blade Runner to make it to FG!
    Last edited by Poe the Homunculus; August 7th, 2023 at 22:42.
    The beginning of any story is a happy accident; the end, a tragic fate.

  9. #9
    Maximum Mike published a good list of books and associated media in the physical books, and I've been working through it; Gibson is the patron saint of Cyberpunk, Virtual Light and the Bridge trilogy I read at school and then did the AI trilogy + burning chrome. Altered Carbon is good for attitude although it toes the line on all out sci-fi, Williams's Hardwired was really involving. Stephenson's Snow Crash was fun but leaned on the rule of cool until it became super dorky. I started When Gravity Fails and really enjoyed it but haven't got around to finishing it.

    I would also recommend and British YA call Future Track 5.

    Max Headroom - the British pilot because its raw and uncompromising, the US version which was turned into a longer series was de-fanged to make it family friendly... apparently its anti social to imply a child gets murdered and has their organs harvested </eye_roll>

    Nemesis (1992) by the late great Albert Pyun is unapologetically hard-boiled and awesome.Picture1.png

  10. #10
    on the modern side of things - Wool and the rest of the Silo trilogy. (but not the tv show, aesthetically pleasing but narratively generic with basic(tm) tropes) the novel was gripping and had a good flow - really gives you an idea of life under an oppressive regime.

    difficult to pin point something new and good - you get things like Ready Player One which is junkfood for the soul; whiney boy edgelord who gets everything he wants while the reader is given an unsatisfying nostalgia (description of something that otherwise would be considered offensive or vulgar).

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