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  1. #71


    I'm also still hopeful that ShadowDark ruleset on FGU will come to fruition. The popularity of it in the RPG world is great. I see that others are using other VTTs for this already. I'm a huge fan of FGU for a while. I don't want to use another VTT because of that. So, I'm still hopeful.

  2. #72
    We are still planning on it. Just taking time and had some work and life issues. No ETA immediately but still planned.
    Live stream:
    Youtube replays of fg sessions and tutorials:

    Free stuff:
    D&D5e FAQ module for fg:
    FG 5e Module Conversions:
    Map Maker Conversion:
    Roll Player Conversion:
    Rangers of Shadow Deep Conversion:

  3. #73
    I know it's takes time, but is there any updated of the Shadowdark Rule set for FGU. I'm in now hurry, I'm just curious if there are any?

  4. #74
    Ahh. I looked for this thread a few weeks back. I thought it was deleted. I am glad you posted as I now see that the thread was in CoreRPG.

    After a long hiatus, the development team decided, as a group, to change the membership. Some members retired. Others joined. The project was started again about one month ago and has gone very smoothly. We are in the final stage of the process and we hope to submit to SW for review within a few days. (Yup, we honestly are very close. It is going to happen soon! )

  5. #75


    Quote Originally Posted by spoofer View Post
    Ahh. I looked for this thread a few weeks back. I thought it was deleted. I am glad you posted as I now see that the thread was in CoreRPG.

    After a long hiatus, the development team decided, as a group, to change the membership. Some members retired. Others joined. The project was started again about one month ago and has gone very smoothly. We are in the final stage of the process and we hope to submit to SW for review within a few days. (Yup, we honestly are very close. It is going to happen soon! )
    I am ecstatic beyond words. Thank you, thank you!

    I will be rereading my PDFs and collected maps, adventures and more to be prepared when this is official. Amazing guys, amazing.

  6. #76
    WOO HOO! I'm stoked to give it a try, guess i know how im spending my weekend

  7. #77
    The first round of development is complete. We now submit to SW for review, and then fix any outstanding issues.

  8. #78
    Awesome! Cant wait ( i totally can btw <3 )

  9. #79
    Thank you for making this happen!

  10. #80
    Good morning, all! I'll post on the FG discord as wel but wanted to give everyone warning that I will be deprecating the quickstart releases on the forum about 2-3 weeks after the official module is relesaed. Bayne and Kevin are getting close to releasing the official ruleset which will include the quickstart adventure. Given my quickstart conversion was built on Xcore I don't want to confuse peopole once the official moduel is released. I'll keep everyone posted. Thanks!
    Live stream:
    Youtube replays of fg sessions and tutorials:

    Free stuff:
    D&D5e FAQ module for fg:
    FG 5e Module Conversions:
    Map Maker Conversion:
    Roll Player Conversion:
    Rangers of Shadow Deep Conversion:

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