1. #1

    Seems like a basic question, but I'm new to FG

    I grabbed a copy of the Serenity Character sheet from here and made a few mods so it calculates a few values automagically and allows some dice rolls from a couple other places. That was easy.

    But in the process I realized the 'display' doesn't look like it should. I just need to add a 'd' in between the fields so that stats look like 1d10. And then I can do the same for Skills and Specializations I hope. See pic below:
    Attached Images Attached Images

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    Hi tymanthius Im not quite sure what your question is.
    If you look at my screenshot, for Agility it has 160 in boxes that the player can adjust. I'd like it to read 1d6+0, just for readability's sake.

    I don't know where in the XML to edit, nor what names to use, to insert the d and +.

  4. #4

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    If you want to do that you would have to rewrite substantial parts of how MoreCore works.
    That . . . seems excessive? I mean, how do you get text in then? Are restrained to doing a format of <text> <editbox> <rollactionbutton> <popup descriptionbutton>? No way to put the <text> in a different spot?

  6. #6
    damned's Avatar
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    They are number fields. Number fields accept numbers only (and maybe a minus sign).
    MoreCore was written to support lots of games, not one game.
    Most systems (at least on FG) dont display the roll the way you are suggesting, they might show a dice and and a modifier etc.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    They are number fields. Number fields accept numbers only (and maybe a minus sign).
    MoreCore was written to support lots of games, not one game.
    Most systems (at least on FG) dont display the roll the way you are suggesting, they might show a dice and and a modifier etc.
    I get that, but is there no way to insert text fields between number fields?

    I mean, I know how to do this powershell with variables, text, and numbers. Seems odd you can't do something similar in XML.

  8. #8
    damned's Avatar
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    the filename you are looking for is record_cas.xml
    be aware if you edit direct and I push a new build it will get overwritten.

    If that is all you want to do it should not be that hard.

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