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  1. #21
    This is is from the Mythic Edition. Page 59

    Medium armour slows you down, so reduce
    agility by 1 while wearing it.

    Heavy armour slows you down, so reduce
    agility by 2 whilst wearing it.

    So when you roll agility it takes your agility value and subtracts the armor penalty. So yes you are correct. I will get that updated.

    Sorry I clicked the wrong button and opened your post ha.

  2. #22
    Pushed a hotfix to address this. There are are few other things that are included that I was saving for normal update .
    [Fixed] Armour penalty will now apply to attack rolls that use agility
    [Fixed] Arcanemax will now update when the career level changes
    [Fixed] Casting time will now update for NPC spells when a spell is selected with a casting time requirement
    [Updated] NPC attack line. it will no longer throw an error if you do not configure the string correctly
    [Updated] You can now drag positive and negative die from chat to "wounds" damage/heal combatants on the combat tracker.

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by bayne7400 View Post
    [Fixed] Armour penalty will now apply to attack rolls that use agility


  4. #24
    No problem. If you see anything else just post it here.

  5. #25
    I edited my message, I don't know if you saw:

    And it is impossible to roll 2 or more bonus or penalty dice :

    (Bonus Die: An extra die that is rolled along with the Task Roll or Attack Roll – the lowest die result is discarded. On a regular roll adding two d6 together, (2d6) a bonus die would let you roll three dice and keep the best two. Having two bonus dice would mean you roll two extra dice (four dice in total) and discard the lowest two, etc.)

    (Penalty Die: Essentially, the opposite of a bonus die, a penalty die is an extra die that is rolled where the highest die is discarded. If two penalty dice are added to a roll, the two highest dice are discarded, etc.)

    Last edited by veerminar; Today at 01:47.

  6. #26
    Hit the boon or flaw button at bottom to roll your bonus die. I could probably rename them to bonus penalty?

  7. #27
    No, that's not the problem...

    If I choose several boons before the test :

    before the test.png

    The ruleset always rolls 3 dice (not 4 or 5 etc) :

    during the same test.PNG

    (Sorry for my english, it's a google translation...)

  8. #28
    hawkwind's Avatar
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    London Calling
    Quote Originally Posted by bayne7400 View Post
    OK if you can tell me what roll you made right before the Player Character that might be helpful. The ruleset code used a lot of ModifierStack.addSlot which is not something I use (esp on drag rolls) as it actually sets the modifier box. This can cause issues when you drag and then abort the roll. If you try it you will see that the box does not reset. However after the subsequent roll it should reset. If this is an issue I can always turn off drag and make people double click to roll. I was really trying to work with the existing code instead of wholesale starting over.

    Also if you left click the mod box it should reset for you. I should have asked you to try that first.
    i had a look at the chat log from the session and things started going wrong straight away, I tried clicking on the mod box but it just froze on me saying "adjusting" then it would return to its previous value

    here is the sessions chatlog

    Barbarians of Lemuria (2023-01-10) ruleset for Fantasy Grounds. Copyright 2016 Filigree Forge.
    Barbarians of Lemuria, © Simon Washbourne, based on the Mythic Edition version 2.6
    Core RPG ruleset (2023-02-23) for Fantasy Grounds Copyright 2023 Smiteworks USA, LLC
    Dice Jail (Version: Magnanimous Ambition [1/24/2022]) Loaded Successfully!
    MNM Bigger Drop Downs v3
    MNM Module UI v3
    CoreRPG - Single Window version 1.2\rby Celestian. Updated by GKEnialb.
    Universal Module extension. This will allow you to open (with varying degrees of success) modules from other rulesets. \r\nExtension Created by DIE Hard Gaming. More great resources at (LINK)
    Has Initiative Indicator v1.7 - CoreRPG+ version.\rBy Celestian, 2018-2021
    MNM Player Journal 2 v13
    Attempt to open link(s) for modules not installed.
    (Barbarians of Lemuria)
    Attempt to open link(s) for modules not installed.
    (Barbarians of Lemuria)
    Attempt to open link(s) for modules not installed.
    (Barbarians of Lemuria)
    GM: NO Damage Reduction
    Ape: Ripping Claws x2 [Attack +2, agility +0, M +0] [2d6+2 = 12]
    Ape: Ripping Claws x2 [1d6] [Attack +2, agility +0, M +0, Weapon Mod +0] [Die Result: 8 X 2] [d6+2 = 18]
    Bronyx: Whip Tail [Attack +2, agility +0, M +0, Weapon Mod +0, Attack +2] [2d6+4 = 9]
    Bronyx: Whip Tail [Attack +2, agility +0, M +0, Weapon Mod +0, Attack +2, agility +1] [2d6+5 = 10]
    Bronyx: Wicked Claws [Attack +2, agility +0, M +0, Weapon Mod +0, Attack +2, agility +1] [2d6+5 = 7]
    Ape: Ripping Claws x2 [Attack +2, agility +0, M +0, Weapon Mod +0, Attack +2, agility +1] [2d6+5 = 17]
    Ape: Ripping Claws x2 [Attack +2, agility +0, M +0, Weapon Mod +0, Attack +2, agility +1, -5] [2d6 = 4]
    Ape: Ripping Claws x2 [Attack +2, agility +0, M +0, Weapon Mod +0, Attack +2, agility +1, -5] [2d6 = 8]
    Ape: Ripping Claws x2 [agility +0, M +0, Attack +2, agility +1, Attack +1, -5] [2d6-1 = 6]
    Ape: Ripping Claws x2 [1d6] [agility +0, M +0, Attack +2, agility +1, Attack +1, Weapon Mod +0, -5] [Die Result: 0 X 2] [d6-1 = -1]
    Ape: Ripping Claws x2 [1d6] [agility +0, M +0, Attack +2, agility +1, Attack +1, Weapon Mod +0, -5] [Die Result: 0 X 2] [d6-1 = -1]
    Ape: Ripping Claws x2 [1d6] [agility +0, M +0, Attack +2, agility +1, Attack +1, Weapon Mod +0, -5] [Die Result: 0 X 2] [d6-1 = -1]
    Ape: Ripping Claws x2 [1d6] [agility +0, M +0, Attack +2, agility +1, Attack +1, Weapon Mod +0, -5] [Die Result: 3 X 2] [d6-1 = 5]
    Ape: [PRIORITY] Ape is a Tough and has priority 5
    Ape 2: [PRIORITY] Ape 2 is a Tough and has priority 5
    Estarond Fireface: Initiative [agility +0, M +0, Attack +2, Attack +1, Initiative +1, Career +0, -5] Task Roll Fails [2d6-1 = 4]
    Klarrie Pisher: Initiative [agility +0, M +0, Attack +2, Attack +1, Initiative +1, Career +0, -5] Task Roll Fails [2d6-1 = 6]
    Markus: Initiative [agility +0, M +0, Attack +2, Attack +1, Initiative +1, Career +0, -5] Task Roll Automatically Fails [2d6-1 = 1]
    Ape 1: Ripping Claws x2 [agility +0, M +0, Attack +2, Initiative +1, Career +0, Attack +1, -3] [Defence -0] Task Roll Fails [2d6+1 = 8]
    Ape 2: Ripping Claws x2 [agility +0, M +0, Attack +2, Initiative +1, Career +0, Attack +1, -4] [Defence -0] Task Roll Fails [2d6 = 8]
    Ape 2: Ripping Claws x2 [agility +0, M +0, Attack +2, Initiative +1, Career +0, Attack +1, -3] [Defence -0] Task Roll Succeeds [Success] [2d6+1 = 10]
    Ape 2: Ripping Claws x2 [agility +0, M +0, Attack +2, Initiative +1, Career +0, Attack +1, -3] [2d6+1 = 10]
    Ape 2: Ripping Claws x2 [1d6] [agility +0, M +0, Attack +2, Initiative +1, Career +0, Attack +1, -3] [Die Result: 2 X 2] [d6+1 = 5]
    GM: Ripping Claws x2 [1d6] [agility +0, M +0, Attack +2, Initiative +1, Career +0, Attack +1, -3] [Die Result: 2 X 2] [agility +0, M +0, Attack +2, Initiative +1, Career +0, Attack +1, -3] [ = 6]
    GM: Protection Roll [agility +0, M +0, Attack +2, Initiative +1, Career +0, Attack +1, -3] [d6-2 = 4]
    GM: Damage Reduction [ = -4]
    Total Damage Applied: 2
    Estarond Fireface: Bow [agility +0, M +0, Attack +2, Initiative +1, Career +0, Attack +1, -3] [2d6+1 = 9]
    Estarond Fireface: Bow damage [agility +0, M +0, Attack +2, Initiative +1, Career +0, Attack +1, -3] [d6+1 = 5]
    GM: Bow damage [agility +0, M +0, Attack +2, Initiative +1, Career +0, Attack +1, -3] [agility +0, M +0, Attack +2, Initiative +1, Career +0, Attack +1, -3] [ = 6]
    GM: Protection Roll [agility +0, M +0, Attack +2, Initiative +1, Career +0, Attack +1, -3] [d6-3 = 1]
    GM: Damage Reduction [ = -1]
    Total Damage Applied: 5
    [TURN] Klarrie Pisher
    Klarrie Pisher: Crossbow [agility +0, M +0, Attack +2, Initiative +1, Career +0, Attack +1, -3] [2d6+1 = 7]
    GM: Crossbow [agility +0, M +0, Attack +2, Initiative +1, Career +0, Attack +1, -3] [agility +0, M +0, Attack +2, Initiative +1, Career +0, Attack +1, -3] [Defence -0] Task Roll Fails [ = 8]
    [TURN] Markus
    Estarond Fireface: Dagger [agility +0, M +0, Attack +2, Initiative +1, Career +0, Attack +1, -3] [2d6+1 = 6]
    [ROUND 8]
    [TURN] Ape 1
    Ape 1: Ripping Claws x2 [agility +0, M +0, Attack +2, Initiative +1, Career +0, Attack +1, -3] [2d6+1 = 11]
    Ape 1: Ripping Claws x2 [1d6] [agility +0, M +0, Attack +2, Initiative +1, Career +0, Attack +1, -3] [Die Result: 3 X 2] [d6+1 = 7]
    GM: Ripping Claws x2 [1d6] [agility +0, M +0, Attack +2, Initiative +1, Career +0, Attack +1, -3] [Die Result: 3 X 2] [agility +0, M +0, Attack +2, Initiative +1, Career +0, Attack +1, -3] [ = 8]
    GM: Protection Roll [agility +0, M +0, Attack +2, Initiative +1, Career +0, Attack +1, -3] [d6-2 = 3]
    GM: Damage Reduction [ = -3]
    Total Damage Applied: 5
    [TURN] Ape 2
    Ape 2: Ripping Claws x2 [agility +0, M +0, Attack +2, Initiative +1, Career +0, Attack +1, -3] [2d6+1 = 7]
    [TURN] Estarond Fireface
    Estarond Fireface: Bow [agility +0, M +0, Attack +2, Initiative +1, Career +0, Attack +1, -3] [2d6+1 = 6]
    [TURN] Klarrie Pisher
    Klarrie Pisher: Crossbow [agility +0, M +0, Attack +2, Initiative +1, Career +0, Attack +1, -3] [2d6+1 = 8]
    [TURN] Markus
    Markus: Short Sword [agility +0, M +0, Attack +2, Initiative +1, Career +0, Attack +1, -3] [2d6+1 = 6]
    Markus: Short Sword [agility +0, M +0, Attack +2, Initiative +1, Career +0, Attack +1, -3] [2d6+1 = 6]
    [ROUND 9]
    [TURN] Ape 1
    Ape 1: Ripping Claws x2 [agility +0, M +0, Attack +2, Initiative +1, Career +0, Attack +1, -3] [2d6+1 = 4]
    [TURN] Ape 2
    Ape 2: Ripping Claws x2 [agility +0, M +0, Attack +2, Initiative +1, Career +0, Attack +1, -3] [2d6+1 = 7]
    [TURN] Estarond Fireface
    Estarond Fireface: Bow [agility +0, M +0, Attack +2, Initiative +1, Career +0, Attack +1, -3] [2d6+1 = 7]
    Estarond Fireface: Bow damage [agility +0, M +0, Attack +2, Initiative +1, Career +0, Attack +1, -3] [2d6+1 = 10]
    GM: Protection Roll [agility +0, M +0, Attack +2, Initiative +1, Career +0, Attack +1, -3] [d6-3 = -1]
    GM: NO Damage Reduction
    Total Damage Applied: 10
    [TURN] Klarrie Pisher
    Klarrie Pisher: Crossbow [agility +0, M +0, Attack +2, Initiative +1, Career +0, Attack +1, -3] [Defence -0] Task Roll Automatically Succeeds [MIGHTY Success] [2d6+1 = 13]
    Klarrie Pisher: Crossbow damage [agility +0, M +0, Attack +2, Initiative +1, Career +0, Attack +1, -3] [2d6+1 = 7]
    GM: Protection Roll [agility +0, M +0, Attack +2, Initiative +1, Career +0, Attack +1, -3] [d6-3 = 3]
    GM: Damage Reduction [ = -3]
    Total Damage Applied: 4
    GM: agility +0, M +0, Attack +2, Initiative +1, Career +0, Attack +1, -3 [d6+1 = 2]
    Markus is using a Hero Point
    [TURN] Markus
    Markus: Short Sword [agility +0, M +0, Attack +2, Initiative +1, Career +0, Attack +1, -3] [Defence -0] Task Roll Fails [2d6+1 = 7]
    Markus: Short Sword [agility +0, M +0, Attack +2, Initiative +1, Career +0, Attack +1, -3] [2d6+1 = 6]
    Markus: Short Sword [agility +0, M +0, Attack +2, Initiative +1, Career +0, Attack +1, -3] [Defence -0] Task Roll Automatically Fails [2d6+1 = 3]
    Markus: Short Sword [agility +0, M +0, Attack +2, Initiative +1, Career +0, Attack +1, -3] [Defence -0] Task Roll Succeeds [Success] [2d6+1 = 12]
    Estarond Fireface: Dagger [agility +0, M +0, Attack +2, Initiative +1, Career +0, Attack +1, -3] [2d6+1 = 4]
    Estarond Fireface: Bow [agility +0, M +0, Attack +2, Initiative +1, Career +0, Attack +1, -3] [2d6+1 = 7]
    Estarond Fireface: Bow [agility +0, M +0, Attack +2, Initiative +1, Career +0, Attack +1, -3] [2d6+1 = 6]
    Markus: Short Sword [agility +0, M +0, Attack +2, Initiative +1, Career +0, Attack +1, -3] [2d6+1 = 8]
    Klarrie Pisher: Crossbow [agility +0, M +0, Attack +2, Initiative +1, Career +0, Attack +1, -3] [2d6+1 = 10]
    Klarrie Pisher: Crossbow [agility +0, M +0, Attack +2, Initiative +1, Career +0, Attack +1, -3] [Defence -0] Task Roll Fails [2d6+1 = 7]
    Ape 1: Ripping Claws x2 [agility +0, M +0, Attack +2, Initiative +1, Career +0, Attack +1, -3] [Defence -0] Task Roll Fails [2d6+1 = 7]

  9. #29
    hawkwind's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by veerminar View Post
    No, that's not the problem...

    If I choose several boons before the test :

    before the test.png

    The ruleset always rolls 3 dice (not 4 or 5 etc) :

    during the same test.PNG

    (Sorry for my english, it's a google translation...)
    i think you only get one extra boon dice max

  10. #30
    hawkwind's Avatar
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    London Calling
    Just run a game and encountered a few issues

    the most serious is that the damage rolls are rolling correctly for player attacks if they rull them ( they all roll 2d6 plus mods with out dropping dice) when i roll on the players behalf they roll fine

    Not sure players initiative rolls are working properly when a player rolls them

    Also when i drop an encounter on to the combat tracker the players can see what is loading in the chat which is a issue if they are on the other side of a closed door and have no idea

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