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  1. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by bayne7400 View Post
    Reference manual was updated yesterday so all should be working now.

  2. #12
    hawkwind's Avatar
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    Oct 2012
    London Calling
    the combat calculation seems all wrong

    Estrarond Firaeface should be getting a plus 5 on his ranged attack (ranged plus agility)

    yet the chat box shows this calculation for the attack [agility +0, M +0, Attack +2, Initiative +1, Career +0, Attack +1, -3] giving a plus 1 on the dice roll?
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  3. #13
    Good day for BoL issues. I am actually working on all the store modules.

    So here is what I see. Do your other characters show the wrong output?

    Attachment 56389

  4. #14
    hawkwind's Avatar
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    London Calling
    looking at the rest of dice rolls in the chat window all the dice modifiers are identical for all the players and the monster

    it appears to be using the stat block of the Ape though I don't know where the -3 is coming from as nothing has that defense value
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  5. #15
    Better yet I forgot I had the campaign. You should not need to use your modifier box for a normal roll, I automated everything. Only use it if you want to add additional modifiers or use the buttons.

  6. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by hawkwind View Post
    looking at the rest of dice rolls in the chat window all the dice modifiers are identical for all the players and the monster

    it appears to be using the stat block of the Ape though I don't know where the -3 is coming from as nothing has that defense value
    Your modifier box had a -3 stuck in it. No idea I cannot reproduce the box is resetting on my end after every roll.

  7. #17
    hawkwind's Avatar
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    i wasn't consciously using the modifier box

  8. #18
    hawkwind's Avatar
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    i wi restarted the campaign and the problem has gone.

  9. #19
    OK if you can tell me what roll you made right before the Player Character that might be helpful. The ruleset code used a lot of ModifierStack.addSlot which is not something I use (esp on drag rolls) as it actually sets the modifier box. This can cause issues when you drag and then abort the roll. If you try it you will see that the box does not reset. However after the subsequent roll it should reset. If this is an issue I can always turn off drag and make people double click to roll. I was really trying to work with the existing code instead of wholesale starting over.

    Also if you left click the mod box it should reset for you. I should have asked you to try that first.

  10. #20

    Thanks for your work.

    I think I have spotted a bug.

    The armor malus does not apply to the combat rolls...


    And it is impossible to roll 2 or more bonus or penalty dice ...

    (Bonus Die: An extra die that is rolled along with the Task Roll or Attack Roll – the lowest die result is discarded. On a regular roll adding two d6 together, (2d6) a bonus die would let you roll three dice and keep the best two. Having two bonus dice would mean you roll two extra dice (four dice in total) and discard the lowest two, etc.)

    (Penalty Die: Essentially, the opposite of a bonus die, a penalty die is an extra die that is rolled where the highest die is discarded. If two penalty dice are added to a roll, the two highest dice are discarded, etc.)
    Last edited by veerminar; February 26th, 2023 at 01:47.

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