Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
  1. #1

    Brawling and MA's

    Hi Folks,

    I am just looking at 'moving' over to the FG Red system (very nice btw) from A.N.Other VTT, cause I prefer FG tbh and I think I am missing something obvious.

    Now I am not sure if this is a bug (so I didn't add it to the Bug Thread yet) or if, as is more likely, I am missing the 'bleeding obvious', but I having some issues getting the Brawling skill to work. I noticed on the Mooks that it is listed as a 'Move', but if I drop the skill in the Moves area for a player I get the Invalid Skill box appear.

    I am missing something?

    I might be missing something as I added another move (aikido) and the Brawling stated working............


    Last edited by tailesin; February 10th, 2023 at 16:47. Reason: Added Extra Information

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by tailesin View Post
    Hi Folks,

    I am just looking at 'moving' over to the FG Red system (very nice btw) from A.N.Other VTT, cause I prefer FG tbh and I think I am missing something obvious.

    Now I am not sure if this is a bug (so I didn't add it to the Bug Thread yet) or if, as is more likely, I am missing the 'bleeding obvious', but I having some issues getting the Brawling skill to work. I noticed on the Mooks that it is listed as a 'Move', but if I drop the skill in the Moves area for a player I get the Invalid Skill box appear.

    I am missing something?

    I might be missing something as I added another move (aikido) and the Brawling stated working............


    If you created the Character with the Wizard it should configure all the relevant moves on the Character Sheet automatically.

    If you created a character manually and added "Brawling" or "Aikido" for the first time, you may need to click the "Refresh Skills" button on the top of the skill list so that the Moves can properly find the relevant skill. (See screenshot below)


    Let me know if that works for you!

    This is a known issue that we want to try to enhance in the future, so that manually created characters don't need to click Refresh Skills after adding Moves.

  3. #3
    Update! We have a fix for this for the next build. Hopefully by Tue next week.

  4. #4
    Thanks, guys, that was the problem as these are existing characters I am moving over. So I didn't use the wizard.

    It's fixed with the refresh.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by tailesin View Post
    Thanks, guys, that was the problem as these are existing characters I am moving over. So I didn't use the wizard.

    It's fixed with the refresh.
    Great- no problem! Thanks for reminding me to look more into that, too. It should be fixed in the next build.

  6. #6
    The fix for this is live now!

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