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  1. #1

    5E - Prepared Enhancement

    I'm playing a character with new options from Tasha's and Monsters of the Multiverse and didn't want extra bookkeeping with usage updates, so I wrote this little extension (which imho really should've been in the ruleset after the book updates, but yeah).

    This extension adds a cycler before the prepared number with which you can let the usages of action scale with an attribute or proficiency.


    All attributes (ability scores) and proficiency are available as selection.

  2. #2
    Definitely a QoL extension. Thanks Zarestia!!

  3. #3
    Very nice!

    Have you given any consideration to things like Healing Light that go LVL +1?

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by nephranka View Post
    Very nice!

    Have you given any consideration to things like Healing Light that go LVL +1?
    Not really, if someone has a list of abilities that use different measures of usage, please post them. I can then take a look at how to approach these (a cycler with 20 different things would not be helpful for example).

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Zarestia View Post
    Not really, if someone has a list of abilities that use different measures of usage, please post them. I can then take a look at how to approach these (a cycler with 20 different things would not be helpful for example).
    Personally, I would probably incline toward a dropdown using the same entries that go into the ability cyclers for e.g. damage (the ones that have all the classes as well). Because I agree that a cycler with all those entries is annoying to deal with, even if there is already a precedent in the ruleset.
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  6. #6
    I literally posted asking for something like this earlier this week! Thank you~! Would you consider adding an option for half proficiency (rounded down)?

  7. #7
    I will see if I can pull together a list.

  8. #8
    I will see what I can pull together for a list.
    Side note: this ext and B9's spell domains ext are interacting in very strange ways. For example: the button appears next to spells sometimes and there is some overlap in the UI elements. I need to test some more.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by nephranka View Post
    I will see what I can pull together for a list.
    Side note: this ext and B9's spell domains ext are interacting in very strange ways. For example: the button appears next to spells sometimes and there is some overlap in the UI elements. I need to test some more.
    I don't use the spell domains extension, but I also have the issue where the button/cylinder is always present beside spells, regardless of what mode the actions tab is in (I would assume it should also appear in preparation mode). This occurs even in a campaign without other extensions.

    Unrelated, but I do wish this functionality extended to powers granted through items ala Kit'n'kaboodle.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by BlazingAzureCrow View Post
    I don't use the spell domains extension, but I also have the issue where the button/cylinder is always present beside spells, regardless of what mode the actions tab is in (I would assume it should also appear in preparation mode). This occurs even in a campaign without other extensions.

    Unrelated, but I do wish this functionality extended to powers granted through items ala Kit'n'kaboodle.
    Sometimes I reload and it is working as expected and others it is acting strange. I 2nd the KnK functionality.

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