Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
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  1. #481
    damned's Avatar
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    You would need to write an extension if you say wanted them on the desktop.
    easiest way once again would be to set them up as Rolls on the char/npc sheets.

  2. #482
    I think we may have crossed wires here.
    I am talking about the modifiers in the Modifier window under the Tool heading in the sidebar.
    Is there a way to add modifiers to the Presets part of that window?
    See image below.

    Screenshot 2024-09-10 at 10.05.52 AM.png

  3. #483
    damned's Avatar
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    Presets can only be added by extension - they would be ruleset code.
    You can create the same things as Rolls.
    If a player regularly uses Cover add it as a Roll and then they can do it from their Character sheet.

  4. #484
    ok thanks for confirming that

    i may have to start reading up on how to write an extension..

  5. #485

  6. #486
    damned i'm looking for a pointer/ video etc on how to implement U.I. graphics to replace the default theme/ design in xcore to something more gamma world appropriate.
    I have watched the 9 slices video you linked to, thanks that was helpful.
    found this one of yours very helpful too:
    Last edited by adzling; September 15th, 2024 at 20:17.

  7. #487

  8. #488
    thanks i found that, now i have to teach myself how to work with it

  9. #489

  10. #490
    Hi, I've been spending a lot of time understanding how the mechanics of the FG rulesets work, and there are times when everything gets confusing in my mind... I'm still slowly working on my adaptation of The Walking Dead to play with my friends using Xcore, and I'm excited. I've already managed to change CLASS to ARCHETYPE in the charsheet (although I made this change directly in the ruleset, as I haven't been able to do it through an extension yet). The rolls for the attribute and skill tests were a success (adding the stress dies too), and that already makes me quite happy hehe... I'll be able to share something here soon. The next step is to learn how to work with a theme and who knows, maybe modify the die icons in the chat box...

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