Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
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  1. #21
    ddavison's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pholland1380 View Post
    I came here to investigate this exact same thing. Any updates on this?
    I just posted a fix for this and it will go out with the next Tuesday update.

  2. #22
    On the Wheelwatch Outpost Map, the way the towers are setup as the whole room being a "terrain", players have issues seeing other tokens in the room. They eventually were able to see after moving around some, but when they first entered they "K" token was not showing up for them.

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  3. #23
    We just pushed a new update that addresses some player-side token visibility updates when the player is moving tokens via mouse.

    This may have been related to the issue you saw last week. Can you check again next time you guys play after you update, and let us know if it's still an issue?


  4. #24
    • Sunward Fortress - D5 is missing the encounters and treasure parcel
    • Sunward Fortress - Virruza seemed to have resistances to damage at random times. The attached screenshot just shows one instance, but it was happening with most attacks
    • Wakenreth - E5 parcel has (2) swords instead of (1) per the story entry

    Random Resist.png
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  5. #25
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Are you sure Viruzza does not / did not have any temporary hit points? They will show up as resisted like that.

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    Note, I am not a SmiteWorks employee or representative, I'm just a user like you.

  6. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by LordEntrails View Post
    Are you sure Viruzza does not / did not have any temporary hit points? They will show up as resisted like that.
    I am 100% sure of this. The NPC itself does not have any means to give itself any temp hit points, only a regen skill. Also, as stated, it was happening at random times with random damage types.
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  7. #27
    ddavison's Avatar
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    Thanks for the report.

    Also, do you happen to be running any extensions currently?

  8. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by ddavison View Post
    Thanks for the report.

    Also, do you happen to be running any extensions currently?
    • 5e Critically Awesome Essentials - Unity Compatible
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  9. #29
    Not sure if this is right place to point it out, or whether it was by design...

    The Kender race did not
    add racial bonuses,
    the size was medium when it should be small,
    did not add common and choice of one for languages

    Might note that the hoopak is a Kender invented/used weapon. Very much like elf weapon training for elves the hoopak should be something most Kender would be proficient with, but I didn't see it added anywhere either.
    Last edited by Haavok; May 24th, 2023 at 02:13. Reason: Changed Fey to Elf
    The Skeletons in my closet...
    ...take half damage from piercing weapons.

  10. #30
    Thinking back on it. I think I remember the Kagonesti having a similar issue. While they were selectable as an Elf subrace none of the features that should be applied for selecting it as a race were being applied to the character sheet.
    The Skeletons in my closet...
    ...take half damage from piercing weapons.

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