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  1. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Wizard View Post
    Ah, that tickles a memory from a while back, where specific very large Mac display parameters would cause the Unity game engine to bail on initial startup due to the texture request being too large. I'm not sure what causes it, and it's something in the core game engine (i.e. Unity) vs. any code we wrote. It's driven by a parameter in the Unity game engine specific preference file. In the 2 cases we saw it happen, it was when using an external monitor. When we found it before, we had the full logs posted from the FG Updater, so it didn't spark that memory right away. Blowing away the Unity game engine preference file fixed it in those other scenarios.

    I'm not sure if that was the exact issue without seeing the Unity game engine logs.

    Just for future consideration, if it comes up again, the Unity game engine stores relevant data in these locations:
    * Logs - ~/Library/Logs/SmiteWorks/Fantasy Grounds/Player.log (Also, Player-prev.log)
    * Preferences - ~/Library/Preferences/com.SmiteWorks.FantasyGrounds.plist

    Sorry I didn't think of that earlier, but the single user symptom threw me off and I didn't think of it.

    Okay, that is interesting to know. So, here is some more potentially relevant info then, now that we know about large external displays...
    This computer is plugged into a 1080p TV AND a 4k LCD projector. I use the projector and a mirror on the ceiling to put the large display on the table surface for gaming with minis.

    Prior to the OS update that projector display resolution was set to 4k, but after updating to Ventura, the OS dropped it back to 2k and I just left it.
    Having the projector set at 4k required me to force the OS to display more than the suggested resolutions (just a click in display properties, nothing too offensive, but definitely forcing it outside its comfort zone). Since I used FG on that display and maximized it, it would be set to more than double the resolution of the TV display and double what it was before the OS update.

    Too late now, but knowing the above details, I wonder if just setting that display back to 4k resolution would have fixed the problem.

    Whatever the case, it's good to know where the logs and additional prefs are located. I did remove/delete the smite works folder from the preferences directory at one point, but did not get the plist file from teh same lower directory while I was there. That may also have been the proverbial straw.

  2. #32
    The crashing that has persisted on FG binary update on M1 Mac has seemed to been resolved with test. I didn't see a release note on this but whatever you guys did I like it

  3. #33
    For anyone else running across this thread, the step by step fix that worked for us is here:

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