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  1. #221

    Thanks - that was fixed damned quickly :-)

    Excellent support !!!


  2. #222
    This is probably more than a question than a bug report, but here goes. ....

    Some rulesets let the GM mark objects as Unidentified, hiding an objects true nature until it has been identified / used etc.
    (and one can define a different description for the object when unidentified)

    This is a pretty cool feature , for me at least

    Anyway, in the Party Sheet, on the Inventory tab, there is a but to mark objects as identified or unidentified (so I got briefly excited SoTDL has this functionality)

    However, looks like the button doesn't actually do anything. It is on the right of the object entry, with the letters ID within a green circle (to show identified)

    Is there any intent to add this functionality into SoTDL?? It would need some changes on the Items sheets, to allow object to be marked Identified or not, etc.

    So not a bug, more a question.

    By the way, I have to say my players and I are really loving SoTDL - both the game and the very slick implementation in FGU.

  3. #223
    damned's Avatar
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    The button that is teasing you is inherited from CoreRPG. I dont think we will see ID functionality - sorry.
    I really enjoyed the game too - I ran the Freeport trilogy with my group.

  4. #224
    Thanks for confirming what I suspected.

    We are just finishing Death in Freeport and everyone is really enjoying it.

  5. #225
    Not sure if those are bugs, or features not yet implemented in the ruleset.

    - NPCs don't have the "Picture" Tab to set different tokens for different view modes
    - The new custom dice per NPC don't seem to work for me
    Pathfinder/Traveller GM - Sometimes running CPRed, CoC, AD&D2E, and other stuff - Ultimate License
    Currently running Pirates of Drinax, and Skulls and Shackles
    Check out my little dungeon map blog

  6. #226

  7. #227
    This may not be a bug / might be intended

    My players have just levelled up to Level 2, and the warrior has gained Combat Prowess, which is now shown in the list of talents.

    When damage is rolled for this character, from the weapons section of the main 'tab' of the character sheet. the additional 1D6 is not rolled.

    Is this as expected ? If so, we can sort by adding 1D6 damage to all weapons manually (i.e. change 1D6+2 to 2D6+2,, in the 'weapons' section.
    I mainly ask because the ruleset has some really nice automation, but recognise that coding every talent could become a proper giggle, gusting nightmare.


  8. #228
    Quote Originally Posted by agoldsmi55 View Post
    This may not be a bug / might be intended

    My players have just levelled up to Level 2, and the warrior has gained Combat Prowess, which is now shown in the list of talents.

    When damage is rolled for this character, from the weapons section of the main 'tab' of the character sheet. the additional 1D6 is not rolled.

    Is this as expected ? If so, we can sort by adding 1D6 damage to all weapons manually (i.e. change 1D6+2 to 2D6+2,, in the 'weapons' section.
    I mainly ask because the ruleset has some really nice automation, but recognise that coding every talent could become a proper giggle, gusting nightmare.

    Hi Andy,

    What you say is exactly correct. You need to edit the damage string for the weapons.

  9. #229
    Quote Originally Posted by spoofer View Post
    Hi Andy,

    What you say is exactly correct. You need to edit the damage string for the weapons.
    Thanks Spoofer

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