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  1. #11
    Soon I will make the changes

  2. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Gigermann View Post
    I may see if I can do that for GURPSCore also
    When the dice came out, I tweaked GURPSCore and ended up using the asset attached to this post. You can try it out and see if you like it.
    Attached Images Attached Images

  3. #13

    Join Date
    May 2013
    East Coast USA.
    Quote Originally Posted by YAKO SOMEDAKY View Post
    Soon I will make the changes
    Did either you or Geigerman get a chance to look at changing the background in the chatbox so that the new dice can be seen better?

    Or is the chatbox.png that Nexos attached in his post enough for me to do it myself? Can someone point me in the right direction?

    Thanks and I hope everyone's New Year is starting out on a good note!

  4. #14
    I want to dedicate myself to the changes, but unfortunately I don't have a computer and no internet... so I can't test and make the changes, but in the meantime I ask you to test this "package" of extensions and see if you like it:
    It makes the following changes:
    Allows tokens to be visible within the field of view (Always Sensitive)
    Allows the map in full screen mode, keep the chat modifiers and data tower visible (Full Mode Map)
    among many other things...

  5. #15
    No, I haven't done it yet. Busy. I still intend to. The chatbox.png is going to be in the images/frames folder—I forget the exact path—and it should work.
    It's hard to be religious when certain people are never incinerated by bolts of lightning.

  6. #16

    This seems to be causing problems with 3.10.0; it's the only extension I turned off when I was testing for the problems (noted in the Rule-set thread).

    Attached are two pics; one when trying to open up the trait of a toon for the first time, and the second (hopefully they're in the right order) when you try to use the edit buttons.

    FezzikScreenshot 2023-03-12 161135.pngScreenshot 2023-03-12 161104.png
    Anybody want a peanut!

  7. #17
    It's been a while since I've played with GURPS or its extensions, but I'll take a look this week and fix it.

  8. #18
    I'm getting a script execution error and it seems to be coming from this extension.

    This error is -

    [ERROR] Script execution error: [string "CoreRPG:campaign/scripts/table_main.lua"]:77: attempt to call field 'setVisibility' (a nil value)

    I've cycled through all of my items and isolated this one. As long as it isn't active, no error window.

  9. #19
    I'll take a look

  10. #20
    Any updates on this yet, Yako?

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