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  1. #11

  2. #12
    It gets more complicated.

    As the PC increases in skills, the rules for Raises changes

    When a Skill is Rank 3: re-roll, they can reroll any one d10 to increase or decrease raises.

    At Rank 4: a set of 15 counts as two Raises.
    For example, you roll 9, 6, 7, 3.
    7+3=10, one Raise
    9+6=15, two Raises.
    A total of 3 Raises

    At Rank 5: 10s explodes. This is already covered in the ruleset.

    Again, thank you so much!
    The beginning of any story is a happy accident; the end, a tragic fate.

  3. #13

  4. #14

  5. #15
    You are awesome, Damned!!
    The beginning of any story is a happy accident; the end, a tragic fate.

  6. #16
    This is great thank you. Could this lead to an official release on Fantasy ground?

  7. #17

  8. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by OB1Sean View Post
    This is great thank you. Could this lead to an official release on Fantasy ground?
    I think it's a wonderful game, so willing to play or run. Damned did a great job
    The beginning of any story is a happy accident; the end, a tragic fate.

  9. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    There hasnt been a whole lot of community interest so most likely not.
    That’s a real shame.

  10. #20

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