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  1. #1

    2022-07-26 Small Update

    I have a smaller update that will be released on Tuesday that may impact some more low-level mods. These changes are localized to each function, and do not change parameter lists.

    Release Notes
    • [CoreRPG+] Script errors on certain targeted rolls when using manual dice roll option. Fixed.
    • [5E] Script error could occur when certain unowned character data related to encumbrance calculations shared with players. Fixed.
    • [5E] Recovery rolls always displayed zero in resolution messages. Fixed.
    • [5E] Heal and recovery rolls always displayed damage icon in resolution messages. Fixed.
    • [5E] Class spell lists no longer export unless Class Spell List Definition records export selected. Used to export when spells selected as well.

    Developer Notes - Changes
    • [CoreRPG] ActionsManager.actionDrop, ActionsManager.actionDirect, ActionsManager.getTargeting
    • [5E] ActionDamage.handleApplyDamage, ActionDamage.notifyApplyDamage, ActionDamage.applyDamage, ActionHeal.onHeal, ActionRecovery.onRecovery, campaign/scripts/npc_main.lua, scripts/manager_char_encumbrance_5E.lua

    Last edited by Moon Wizard; July 25th, 2022 at 17:44.

  2. #2
    The changes are available in the Test channel now.


  3. #3
    • [5E] Class spell lists no longer export unless Class Spell List Definition records export selected. Used to export when spells selected as well.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Wizard View Post
    • [5E] Class spell lists no longer export unless Class Spell List Definition records export selected. Used to export when spells selected as well.
    Any hint on why my generic actions/polymorphism extension buttons no longer trigger anything? These are rolls I made myself - which seem to no longer work at all - no error - nothing. I looked at code diffs and nothing leapt out at me that would cause this.
    Last edited by SilentRuin; July 25th, 2022 at 18:37.
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  5. #5
    I have no idea. The changes in this update are very localized. I would use Debug statements to make sure that the rolls are being set up correctly, and captured correctly.


  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Wizard View Post
    I have no idea. The changes in this update are very localized. I would use Debug statements to make sure that the rolls are being set up correctly, and captured correctly.

    Did you make some rRoll new thing that is required outside of your rolls?
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  7. #7
    No, I explicitly listed the functions affected. You can review the changes, if you like.


  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Wizard View Post
    No, I explicitly listed the functions affected. You can review the changes, if you like.

    I do code line by line comparisons from the previous 5e/corerpg - Ok going to check debug statements to see what has busted. Appears anywhere I generate my own roll at first glance.
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  9. #9
    Usually I can find out at least why something is broken. I cannot here. Below I give two logs - first with TEST where it fails to trigger the results handler and then in LIVE where it triggers the results handler. Same exact code running in both.

    TEST doing generic actions grapple button:

    This is init to setup my result handlers and roll:
    GameSystem.actions["genactroll"] = { sTargeting = "each" };
    table.insert(GameSystem.targetactions, "genactroll"); -- Thank you to trenloe on FG forums for this - made sTargeting work

    -- The generic actions initial dice roll for the source
    ActionsManager.registerResultHandler("genactroll", onGenericActionRoll);
    -- The generic actions that are source vs target type of dice rolls need a second die roll for the target that must occur on the host.
    -- Host is only sure way to access the charsheet and skilllist (athletics/acrobatics) of a non owned character sheet.
    ActionsManager.registerResultHandler("genactresult ", onGenericActionResultRoll);

    Kicks off first roll:
    [7/25/2022 1:05:46 PM] s'manager_generic_actionserformGenericActionRoll; called'

    This is the rRoll it sends to perform first roll "genactroll":
    [7/25/2022 1:05:46 PM] { s'aDice' = { #1 = s'd20' }, s'sSourceCheck' = s'Athletics', s'sGenericAction' = s'Grapple', s'bSecret' = bFALSE, s'nMod' = #6, s'sDesc' = s'', s'sType' = s'genactroll', s'sCharsheet' = s'charsheet.id-00003', s'sSourceActorCT' = s'combattracker.list.id-00016', s'iGenericAction' = #0 }

    This is the OOB message used to trigger the next roll:
    [7/25/2022 1:05:49 PM] s'manager_generic_actions:handleApplyHostGenericAc tion; msgOOB = applyhga'

    This is the rRoll it sends to perform the second roll "genactresult":
    [7/25/2022 1:05:49 PM] { s'aDice' = { #1 = s'd20' }, s'sSourceCheck' = s'Athletics', s'nMod' = #3, s'sDesc' = s'', s'sGenericAction' = s'Grapple', s'bSecret' = bFALSE, s'iSourceDieResult' = #17, s'sTargetCheck' = s'Strength', s'sSourceName' = s'Ravina', s'sCTTargetNode' = s'combattracker.list.id-00018', s'sType' = s'genactresult', s'sCharsheet' = s'charsheet.id-00003', s'sSourceActorCT' = s'combattracker.list.id-00016', s'iGenericAction' = #0 }

    This is where it fails to trigger the results handler for "genactresult"...

    LIVE doing generic actions grapple button (same init):

    Kicks off first roll:
    [7/25/2022 1:09:36 PM] s'manager_generic_actionserformGenericActionRoll; called'

    This is the rRoll it sends to perform first roll "genactroll":
    [7/25/2022 1:09:36 PM] { s'aDice' = { #1 = s'd20' }, s'sSourceCheck' = s'Athletics', s'sGenericAction' = s'Grapple', s'bSecret' = bFALSE, s'nMod' = #6, s'sDesc' = s'', s'sType' = s'genactroll', s'sCharsheet' = s'charsheet.id-00003', s'sSourceActorCT' = s'combattracker.list.id-00005', s'iGenericAction' = #0 }

    This is the OOB message used to trigger the next roll:
    [7/25/2022 1:09:38 PM] s'manager_generic_actions:handleApplyHostGenericAc tion; msgOOB = applyhga'

    This is the rRoll it sends to perform the second roll "genactresult":
    [7/25/2022 1:09:39 PM] { s'aDice' = { #1 = s'd20' }, s'sSourceCheck' = s'Athletics', s'nMod' = #3, s'sDesc' = s'', s'sGenericAction' = s'Grapple', s'bSecret' = bFALSE, s'iSourceDieResult' = #17, s'sTargetCheck' = s'Strength', s'sSourceName' = s'Ravina', s'sCTTargetNode' = s'combattracker.list.id-00018', s'sType' = s'genactresult', s'sCharsheet' = s'charsheet.id-00003', s'sSourceActorCT' = s'combattracker.list.id-00005', s'iGenericAction' = #0 }

    This is where it actually triggers the "genactresult" results handler and works:
    [7/25/2022 1:09:41 PM] { s'aDice' = { #1 = { s'value' = #4, s'type' = s'd20', s'result' = #4 }, s'expr' = s'd20', s'total' = #4 }, s'sGenericAction' = s'Grapple', s'sSourceCheck' = s'Athletics', s'bSecret' = bFALSE, s'iSourceDieResult' = s'17', s'sSourceActorCT' = s'combattracker.list.id-00005', s'sDesc' = s'', s'sSourceName' = s'Ravina', s'sTargetCheck' = s'Strength', s'nMod' = #3, s'sCTTargetNode' = s'combattracker.list.id-00018', s'iGenericAction' = s'0', s'sType' = s'genactresult', s'sCharsheet' = s'charsheet.id-00003', s'nTotal' = #4 }
    [7/25/2022 1:09:41 PM] s'manager_generic_actionsnGenericActionResultRoll; rSource table: 0000022FFB0D42D0'
    [7/25/2022 1:09:41 PM] s'manager_generic_actionsnGenericActionResultRoll; rTarget nil'

    I have absolutely no idea what you have changed to have the first results handler trigger and the second one fail in TEST. But something has changed. I just need to know what.

    This also happen in polymorphism where I build my own roll/results.
    Last edited by SilentRuin; July 25th, 2022 at 19:31.
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  10. #10
    I strongly suspect the targeting changes - as I have no control or access to any of this outside of my call to ActionsManager.performAction(draginfo, rTargetActorCT, rRoll); for each of my rolls - I suspect the logic you changed has somehow broken it. But as I don't understand why it was changed I have no idea how it was broken. I assume this as the only way I can see this doing "nothing" for that performAction is if the getTargeting no longer returns what it once did.

    In CoreRPG\scripts\manager_actions.lua:

    You changed the return for getTargeting from LIVE:

    if not aTargeting then
    aTargeting = {};
    if #aTargeting == 0 then
    table.insert(aTargeting, {});

    return aTargeting;

    To TEST:

    return aTargeting or {};

    I'm guessing this is what is somehow killing me. But am not sure. Its the only thing relative to performAction for dice rolls that I can see was changed that might impact it.
    Last edited by SilentRuin; July 25th, 2022 at 20:01.
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