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  1. #11

    Modifying manager_actions_xxx; how naughty is this?

    Ronnke and Damned

    Is it bad (not good practice) for an extension to modify/replace an manager_actions_xxx.lua? I'm wondering because it would be best (I think, to call for a critical roll directly from those files instead of sniffing the chat until the appropriate message pops up). I'm not sure on this though. I'll post the extension (which is still raw (not RAW, but somewhat sloppy and uncooked) but working) shortly if anyone wants to have a gander. Currently it is registering melee/ranged criticals (success and failure); unarmed critical failure; spell critical failure; and head hit critical success (if the hit location is skull or face).

    Mostly I want to get an idea from people that have more experience is I should keep it as it is 'observing' chat, or roll it from one of the combat/spell etc actions (which is scary in my mind but would only change a few lines basically calling the process).

    Anybody want a peanut!

  2. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Fezzik Buttercup View Post
    Ronnke and Damned

    Is it bad (not good practice) for an extension to modify/replace an manager_actions_xxx.lua? I'm wondering because it would be best (I think, to call for a critical roll directly from those files instead of sniffing the chat until the appropriate message pops up). I'm not sure on this though. I'll post the extension (which is still raw (not RAW, but somewhat sloppy and uncooked) but working) shortly if anyone wants to have a gander. Currently it is registering melee/ranged criticals (success and failure); unarmed critical failure; spell critical failure; and head hit critical success (if the hit location is skull or face).

    Mostly I want to get an idea from people that have more experience is I should keep it as it is 'observing' chat, or roll it from one of the combat/spell etc actions (which is scary in my mind but would only change a few lines basically calling the process).

    You can replace specific functions in those named lua scripts, no need to replace them all. You can even do your stuff and then call the original function.
    See the onInit function here:

  3. #13
    Thanks Bmos; I figured I could, just not sure if I SHOULD I'll putter around and see if it's worth it; I suspect it might be better, but I have to look at them again (I only scanned them trying to learn all this stuff).
    Anybody want a peanut!

  4. #14

    The baby is starting to function!

    I need to do a lot of editing to remove some of the stuff that isn't used or was used once, then reconfigured (I've started and abandoned this as I grew better skills with lua and extensions; I have to say I'm probably at the peak of that first learning curve when I think I know a lot, but I actually don't -- I know I don't know a lot, but I don't know what I don't know ).
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Anybody want a peanut!

  5. #15

    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Fezzik Buttercup View Post
    Thanks Bmos; I figured I could, just not sure if I SHOULD I'll putter around and see if it's worth it; I suspect it might be better, but I have to look at them again (I only scanned them trying to learn all this stuff).
    I don't think there is necessarily a right or wrong way to do it, but you should try and layer your extension as much as possible so any new changes to the ruleset won't break your extension. Doing what Bmos suggested is how I would handle it.
    Timezone: Australian EST (GMT +10).
    Systems/Rulesets: GURPS 4th Edition.
    Campaigns (Ultimate License Holder)
    GURPS Traveller - The Empty Peace
    GURPS Shadowrun - Power Plays
    GURPS Banestorm - Dark Clouds Rising

  6. #16
    I should have mentioned that gm rolls currently need to be on (and there is a little combat automation choice in options that has to be turned on). I'm not sure why gm rolls have to be on, but it's for whatever reason the audiooverseer also needs to... maybe the chat callback?

    I'm looking into Bmos' suggestion
    Anybody want a peanut!

  7. #17
    If I have this right in my head now (it'll take me some time to really parse it to make sense to me fully) I have to roll the critical (if there is one, and they have the options turned on) in the _melee or _ranged (or spell, once I find that file ) and just after

    rMessage.diemodifier = (bAddMod and rRoll.nMod or 0);
    in those two files. I think hit locations could be done then too if I wanted to try them?

    I'm 99 44/100% sure that I can't do this in the GamesSystem.rollResult(#, #) because that only contains if it's critical and nothing else (it could return a critical for a skill roll, and I don't want to be rolling on a table since that function only gets passed #, not a roll. Side note I think I'm slowing understanding the DB functions a bit too (not sure what sMode is, but I'm suspecting it might be cut/imp/pi etc; I haven't done a search but I notice it isn't actually used in the _melee and _ranged, but it's declared)

    (most of the time when I ask a question it's like thinking out loud)
    Anybody want a peanut!

  8. #18

    Join Date
    May 2013
    East Coast USA.
    Quote Originally Posted by Fezzik Buttercup View Post
    I need to do a lot of editing to remove some of the stuff that isn't used or was used once, then reconfigured (I've started and abandoned this as I grew better skills with lua and extensions; I have to say I'm probably at the peak of that first learning curve when I think I know a lot, but I actually don't -- I know I don't know a lot, but I don't know what I don't know ).
    What does Gurps Criticals rough.ext do? I loaded it up and I didn't see any difference.

  9. #19
    What does Gurps Criticals rough.ext do? I loaded it up and I didn't see any difference.
    Make sure you go into options (little gear thingy) and make sure that 'combat automation' is not none (default) or locations only (doesn't work in that itteration). Currently I'm reworking it. And gm rolls have to be on

    Then roll melee, ranged, spell, unarmed (can't be the skill, has to be punch, kick bite, etc -- I may be missing some unarmed techniques though) or spell

    if Ronnke or someone else with brains (ie. anyone by me ) is looking, I seem to get an error (nil value) when I try to use GameSystem.rollResult... I basically cut and pasted the _melee file and all the other GameSystem results work; for now I've copied the rollResult into the 'new' _melee that I'm making and it works fine in there. So I'm not sure why it's being grumpy.
    Anybody want a peanut!

  10. #20
    Me for an hour and a half: Why isn't it picking up the fact that the spell is a critical failure!
    Me an hour and half later: .... because you're using _melee....
    Anybody want a peanut!

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