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  1. #1

    Puttering around with Automation

    So I'm playing around with various other extension, and I'm a little confused by the audio extension (originally overseer) and I can't figure out where


    is actually called. It's in the strings and it labels the sidebar button, but no where in the extension is it mentioned again, nor can I find it in GURPS or CoreRPG files.
    Anybody want a peanut!

  2. #2

    How would you automate (preferences)

    So if you were going to automate, would you

    1. use something like AudioOverseer in the Options with (Hit location, Criticals, Hit Location and Criticals)
    2. use a table [sidebar[ (I'm not sure how to call that type of table from a script)
    3. screw it all, and put everything automated in script tables
    4. combination of the above somehow
    5. I've already done this, let me send it to you you poor soul
    Anybody want a peanut!

  3. #3

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    Apr 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Fezzik Buttercup View Post
    So I'm playing around with various other extension, and I'm a little confused by the audio extension (originally overseer) and I can't figure out where


    is actually called. It's in the strings and it labels the sidebar button, but no where in the extension is it mentioned again, nor can I find it in GURPS or CoreRPG files.
    I'm not familiar with the extension, but maybe that extension includes another one where the label is used? I'm just speculating. I know you can build ruleset on top of other rulesets, but I'm not sure if the same could can be done with extensions.

    Quote Originally Posted by Fezzik Buttercup View Post
    So if you were going to automate, would you

    1. use something like AudioOverseer in the Options with (Hit location, Criticals, Hit Location and Criticals)
    2. use a table [sidebar[ (I'm not sure how to call that type of table from a script)
    3. screw it all, and put everything automated in script tables
    4. combination of the above somehow
    5. I've already done this, let me send it to you you poor soul
    That's a very open question. It really depends on what you are trying to automate. If AudioOverseer does what you want, then use that as the starting point.
    Timezone: Australian EST (GMT +10).
    Systems/Rulesets: GURPS 4th Edition.
    Campaigns (Ultimate License Holder)
    GURPS Traveller - The Empty Peace
    GURPS Shadowrun - Power Plays
    GURPS Banestorm - Dark Clouds Rising

  4. #4
    I haven't found anything in the files of the extension; I doubt it's somewhere in FGU hardcode (that seems a bit silly unless they're planning on using it in the future).

    I looked at GURPS 4E table rolls (I don't think it's really around); that could be a start point too, but the code is a bit scattered and its not really compatable with FGU as it is.

    Mostly i was thinking if new people were playing, automating combat rolls (hit locations, criticals) would be easier and make combat quicker until they got the hang of things (and would make the GM with 40 monsters faster too)

    This is my algorithm in very rough: (not sure what options might be the most robust)

    1 need to check to see how much automation might be wanted (both have to observe chat to some extent)
    A) in options -- probably all done in code
    B) OR do it similar to audio overseer (set up what is triggered) 2 run appropriate scripts -- this would require either looking at Tables (sidebar) or tables in code

    A and B) NPC's yes/no; PC's how much automation?
    1) PC complete automation
    - choose maneuver and just roll the die; random hit location, criticals and damage automatically calculated
    2) PC partial automation
    - player can choose some or all of:
    Hit location
    3) PC "Stay away from my dice, I wanna roll!"
    - no automation requested
    Anybody want a peanut!

  5. #5

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    For me personally, I don't care either way for automation. I play face to face games without automation and enjoy the games just fine. However, my experience is not the same for everyone and there are many who desire automation, so to cater for as many people as possible it should be included. We are all aware that SJG has been explicit in their online policy on the topic of automation of their game mechanics. The good news...I have been granted permission to automate some things, such as damage calculators. The bad news, time is a limited resource. So, while I am working on it, it can only happen when time permits and I feel motivated to do something, those two things don't always coincide.
    Timezone: Australian EST (GMT +10).
    Systems/Rulesets: GURPS 4th Edition.
    Campaigns (Ultimate License Holder)
    GURPS Traveller - The Empty Peace
    GURPS Shadowrun - Power Plays
    GURPS Banestorm - Dark Clouds Rising

  6. #6
    I've been regular here on the GURPS forums, but over time I've learned that Ronnke does things at his time and the only thing I want is for what is listed in the first topic to be accomplished, the rest is all very good.
    Body parts, damage type, Damage Resistance, Distance modifier on grid map, size modifier, health bar...but one day it comes out and I will be super happy and happier if one day I see material from GURPS being sold.

  7. #7
    damned's Avatar
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    is a tring resource that is used to label the sidebar button that launches the extension interface

  8. #8
    I would LOVE to waste money on original in game material for GURPS! I would also love for them to take up Ronnke's hard work and make it official!

    I'm a rank newbie with this scripting; I miss BASIC on my Commadore 64 (Yes, I'm that old!)

    Thanks Damned; what I can't fitgure out is where it's being called to actually make the label; the only reference is the one <string name =" ....> in the original extension file and I can't fine anywhere in any of the other files that says "hey, this is the label for this button!". If I use Overseer as a starting point, I'll need to change that name so it doesn't conflict with the Audio if I use it (which I assume it would and cause a mess )

    I'm only doing this because I want to putter around; you guys have all done a ton of work. I think mostly I'm making up for not actually having a game to play in at the moment.
    Anybody want a peanut!

  9. #9
    damned's Avatar
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    Ok - I think you should first ask Celestian if you wish to reuse his code.

    You create a string resource like this:

    <string name="library_recordtype_label_mc_world">World Builder</string>
    and you see the bit that says mc_world well that goes somewhere like this:

    	<windowclass name="mc_world">

    function onInit()
    LibraryData.aRecords["mc_world"] = {
    		bExport = true,
    		aDataMap = { "mc_world", "reference.mc_world" }, 
    		aDisplayIcon = { "sidebar", "sidebar_down" },
    		sRecordDisplayClass = "mc_world", 
    it is not very obvious...

  10. #10
    Thanks Damned! I saw something with one of the other library_blah_blah _blah that looked just like that and it sort of clued a little bit but I was still like "what the smurf is that? that's not intuitive!"

    I'll ask Celestian too; I don't think it will look much like his in the long run (I don't think I even need a sidebar button with my current train of thought; I'm just snatching the chat monitoring bit and the options)

    I'm not sure I'll need the sidebar or the window; hopefully it will be helpful in the future for anything else.
    Last edited by Fezzik Buttercup; March 13th, 2022 at 01:37.
    Anybody want a peanut!

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