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  1. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by MostTornBrain View Post

    I like this extension a lot.

    One minor thing: it looks like you may have listed the default value for the two options also as option choices, which means they appear twice as one cycles through the list. The default option should not also be present in the list of labels and values when defining the options. The default one gets added automatically to the list.

    For example, the "Hearth" font theme is in the options twice (you have to click it twice to get to the next item) and "Simple" in the Icon Theme appears twice as well.

    (I coincidentally ran into this on one of my own extensions this weekend, so the details or how to fix it are still fresh on my mind.)

    Holy smokes! You're right. Thank you so much for taking the time to let me know. I haven't been a developer in like 15 years... so pretty rusty. I am having a heck of a time figuring all of this out. Once I figure out how to intercept all chat messages (instead of just rolls) I will make better progress.

    I'll update it and submit the new build -- I am not happy with the colors and font sizes yet, so I am tweaking. I've also knocked out another icon theme.

    What you working on?


  2. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Drowbe View Post
    I'll update it and submit the new build -- I am not happy with the colors and font sizes yet, so I am tweaking. I've also knocked out another icon theme.
    I look forward to the new icons. I love the icon art style you use so far.

    Quote Originally Posted by Drowbe View Post
    What you working on?
    This past weekend I was working on a very simple extension for customizing the look of the token health bar. It will allow displaying a "100%" bar in the background of the existing bar to give a better sense of how much health is gone. It also makes it easier to spot empty health bars. I added the ability to use the color picker dialog so any custom color and alpha level can be selected for the background bar.

    It's very limited in its usefulness, but was more as an exercise for me to figure out how to trigger the color picker window from clicking on an option and then save the value, and also learn about how widgets work. The thread for it is here if you want to take a look: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forum...althBar-Widget All the code is on github for anyone to reuse.


  3. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by MostTornBrain View Post
    The default option should not also be present in the list of labels and values when defining the options. The default one gets added automatically to the list.
    One clarification - I mistyped. It's the "base" that you don't need to add to the option list, not the default.


  4. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Drowbe View Post
    Once I figure out how to intercept all chat messages (instead of just rolls) I will make better progress.
    Replacing ChatManager.Message and ChatManager.SystemMessage?
    You could also do Comm.deliverChatMessage and Comm.addChatMessage, but I think those functions are not visible so working with them is less intuitive.


    local _fMessage
    local function Message(msgtxt, broadcast, rActor, ...)
    	-- here you can do whatever you want
    	-- then this calls the original function
    	_fMessage(msgtxt, broadcast, rActor, ...)
    function onInit()
    	-- back up original function
    	_fMessage = ChatManager.Message
    	-- override original function in ChatManager
    	ChatManager.Message = Message
    Last edited by bmos; March 8th, 2022 at 03:19.

  5. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by bmos View Post
    Replacing ChatManager.Message and ChatManager.SystemMessage?
    You could also do Comm.deliverChatMessage and Comm.addChatMessage, but I think those functions are not visible so working with them is less intuitive.


    local _fMessage
    local function Message(msgtxt, broadcast, rActor, ...)
    	-- here you can do whatever you want
    	_fMessage(msgtxt, broadcast, rActor, ...)
    function onInit()
    	_fMessage = ChatManager.Message
    	ChatManager.Message = Message
    Ooooh... I will dive into this after my game this evening. I guess I'm going to have to commit to learning LUA and getting comfy with the FG code. Is there documentation somewhere? (you'd think I'd already have had to find it).

    Also, love your extensions, bmos.


  6. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Drowbe View Post
    Is there documentation somewhere? (you'd think I'd already have had to find it).
    The wiki has a lot of documentation here: https://fantasygroundsunity.atlassia...+API+Reference

    I also found it useful to unzip the CoreRPG and other rulesets into a common directory and then use something like Microsoft's Visual Studio Code to treat them all as one workspace, which then allows me to more easily search for places in where the APIs are actually used and see how there are used and interact with other parts of the system.

    For example, if you are looking for chat related stuff, you can then search for ChatManager, or other things with the name chat and see possibilities for how the chat features are used with Lua.


  7. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Drowbe View Post
    Ooooh... I will dive into this after my game this evening. I guess I'm going to have to commit to learning LUA and getting comfy with the FG code. Is there documentation somewhere? (you'd think I'd already have had to find it).

    Also, love your extensions, bmos.

    I've gotten a lot of good information from here: https://riptutorial.com/lua/example/...ttern-matching
    Other than that, reading through other extensions and rulesets is a great way to learn as MostTornBrain points out.
    You can find all my source code here: https://github.com/bmos?tab=repositories

  8. #18
    Thank you both! I will dive into this over the next week.

    My goal is to get to a decent framework for the extension so I can focus on the design.


  9. #19
    I like the effect icon. Overall nice addition to something I really would not live without. Thanks!

  10. #20
    Great extension man! I tested it, but I will wait 'till the third known issue: "Using this extension MAY change some of the icons in on the "action" tab... specifically, the "Spells" icon is fixed". REALLY can't wait 'till then. GREAT work! Thanks.
    Simon De Luca
    Montreal, Quebec, Canada

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