Thread: 5E - Better Combat Effects Gold
January 22nd, 2022, 18:48 #1
5E - Better Combat Effects Gold
5E Better Combat Effects Gold
Forge Link: 5E Better Combat Effects Gold
Documentation: README.pdf
Change State
Conditional Operators
Better Combat Effects Gold (BCEG) is an extension that allows for fine tuning of when effects are enabled, disabled, removed, and added. Better Combat Effects Gold is specifically tuned to support 5E Automatic Effects packages. The features added allow BCEG and 5eAE to automate NPCs and PC effects to work as written in Fantasy Grounds Unity.
Building off of the wildly popular free extension Better Combat Effects (BCE), BCEG is the next evolution of the product. It is backwards compatible, while adding new and exciting features. All future development will happen within BCEG.
Note: A module is included with this extension which contains complete documentation.
Additions BCEG has over BCE:
- Save vs Condition - Saves against conditions and damage will automatically be granted adv/dis based on the traits of the actor making the saving throw.
- ADVCOND,DISCOND: [condition] - Explicit advantage/disadvantage when rolling a save vs condition or damage type
- Documentation module - A module is include with this extension that details a complete list of effects tags for BCEG
- Ongoing Saves (ADV) (DIS) - (ADV)(DIS) can be added to BCE ongoing saves to grant advantage or disadvantage
- DUR: (N) - Dynamically set the duration of the effect at time of add. (N) can be number or dice string
- SAVERESTL - Perform ongoing save on long rest
- SSAVES, SSAVEE - Perform ongoing save on the source of the effects turn.
- EFFINIT: (N) - Set the initiative of the effect on add
- NOREST, NORESTL - Actor gains no benefit from short rest/long rest
- DMGA,DMGD,DMGR now accept damage and range types as filters
- ATKD,ATKA,ATKR - Activate, Deactivate, Remove effect when the attack action is taken
- SAVEADD: (N) (effect) - Will only activate when the save fails by (N). Think of this as a "Hard fail". If (-N) will fire when the result is N or less.
- TATKHDMGS: (D) - Source of attack takes damage from target on successful hit
- TATKMDMGS: (DC) Source of attack takes damage from target on miss
- Replace FGU [] Tags - Tags like [PRF][LVL][CLASS] can now be defined in the NPC sheet effect list as (PRF)(LVL)(CLASS) to process as expected
- (DE) - Will disable the effect on use
- SDC - Can be written as [SDC] or (SDC)
- (E) - Will remove the effect when the source of the effect drops to 0 HP
- DUSE - Will deactivate the effect on any tag match
- ATURN - Activate Effect on the start of any Actor's turn
- SDC: (N) - Will add or subtract (N) from the Actor's spell save DC
- ELUSIVE - No attack roll has advantage against this Actor
- UNFLANKABLE - Attack rolls do not gain flanking bonuses against this Actor - Requires Flanking and Range extension
- Conditional operators
- ATKHA,ATKHD,ATKHR, - Activate,Deactivate,Remove effect when the attack is successful
- ATKMA,ATKMD,ATKMR, - Activate,Deactivate,Remove effect when the attack is unsuccessful
- ATKHADD - Add custom effect when the attack is successful
- ATKMADD - Add custom effect when the attack is unsuccessful
- ATKFADD - Add custom effect when the attack is fumble (critical miss)
- ATKCADD - Add custom effect when the attack is critical hit
- (RA) - Added to remove effect on any save
- Spell attack and Spell Range filters and ATK([range],[attack type]) conditional operator which will return true if matching range filter or attack type filter
- SNEAKATK, RAKISH, - For rogue sneak attack automation and rakish audacity
- Automated Pack Tactics Trait
- DESTROY - Destroy Actor when added
- SAVEONDMGT -Same as SAVEONDMG but applied to the target. Subsequent tags (SAVEDMG, SAVEADD, SAVEADDP, etc) will also apply to target
- CDMG,MDMG,HDMG - Crit damage, Max Damage, Half Damage. Works like modifiers buttons but also accepts filters.
- Reistance to spell damage
- ATKADDT, ATKHADDT, ATKMADDT, ATKFADDT, ATKCADDT - Add effect to target on attack type
- Players own Actors effects and can delete from CT
- HEAL - accepts max descriptor for maximum heal
- OBSCURE - Mark Actors as obscured as well has how they are obscured
- House Rule (option): Truesight,Blindsight,Tremorsense negate Invisible if the target can see the attacker
Better Combat Effects Gold
Buy 5eAE here on DMs Guild by Aridhro
Learn more about 5eAE here by Aridhro
MeAndUnique Extensions
Grim Press DiscordLast edited by rhagelstrom; November 13th, 2024 at 15:18.
January 22nd, 2022, 18:49 #2
Version History:
Fixed - DUSE not working as intended when using IFT conditionals
Support for Effect Builder Extension by @SoXMax
Fixed - EXPIREADD still needed additional attention
Fixed - TDMGADDS was not working as intended with IFT
Fixed - (E) not working when applied to self
Fixed - Documentation module missing DUSE/ATURN
Fixed - Exhausted conflict when using Advanced Effects
Fixed - Client script error using Requested Rolls with ongoing saves
Fixed - Script error conflict when using 5E Expanded NPC
Fixed - DMGAT,DMGDT,DMGRT not respecting damage/range filter
Feature - Added SDC (as a tag) SDC: (N). (N) will be added or subtracted from the Actors spell save DC
Added - SDC support for new NPC spellcasting DC (MotM)
Fixed - Duplicate effects added on expire
Fixed - Savemods not working for ongoing saves
Fixed - Rest tags not working for NPCs
Fixed - Ongoing Saves incorrectly built with Effects Builder
Documentation update
Fixed: EXPIREADD adding twice....again
Fixed: Rare script error with ongoing saves
Fixed: Potential script error with experimental parsing
Added: Save icon for save messages output to chat
Added: (5E) Option to add or not add prone to unconscious NPCs with Undead Fortitude trait
Documentation update
Fixed: Ongoing saves conflicting with BIDI extension
Fixed: Ongoing saves not taking into account save filter
Code Cleanup
Updated README.pdf formatting
Fixed - Support for Advanced Effects not working as intended
Support - for Untrue Effects
Hotfix: ActionDamage.applyDamage header change in 5E Ruleset
Fixed: script error when using advanced effects from ruleset change
Fixed: Changed ongoing saves to fall within the pipeline. Fixes Evasion/Avoidance issue. Should also prevent/solve other corner case issues. This is how I wanted to originally implement ongoing saves but at the time I didn't know enough to do it correctly.
Fixed: (E) not working as intended
Removed: Add Prone on unconscious as now native in ruleset
Documentation update: SAVE tags format changed from SAVE: ABILITY (N) to SAVE: (N) ABILITY
Fixed: Script error when rolling save from character sheet
Fixed: Save handler not overridden just registered for
Fixed: SAVEADD not working with requested rolls and rolled from a client
Fixed: DMGAT script error from ruleset change
Fixed: DUSE not working with damage filters
Fixed: More guards around delayed expire for EXPIREADD support
Fixed: Adjustment for [SDC] as first option in ongoing saves
Fixed: DMGADD tag family not working from client
Feature: ATKADD - Add custom effect when the attack action is taken
Changed: Forced ongoing saves to use new mod format. Will re-write effects with old format as new format
Fixed: Conflict with Constitutional Amendments on string contains
Added: Guard to protect against malformed effects
Feature: Tag SDC now does damage filters. damagetype or all
Feature: ADV/DIS Saves against magicial spells and effects with ADVCOND: magic and DISCOND: magic
Changed: Toned down the save icon color to fit more in with default theme
Fixed: DUR applying ongoing damage, bad BCE merge
Fixed: FROMAURA applying multiple times
Fixed: Script error on some drags from the PC sheet
Changed: Damage adjust for extension compatibility
Changed: Save icon to dull shield
Fixed - Fey Ancestry incorrectly parsing magic as a damage type
Fixed - SAVEDMG not automatically applying adv/dis for damage type
Fixed - Ongoing Save script error with no target
Fixed - Script error in experimental parsing when text does not have a save modifier
Changed - SAVEDMG in effect builder for mod format
Feature - ELUSIVE - No attack roll has advantage against this Actor
Feature - UNFLANKABLE - Attack rolls do not gain flanking bonuses against this Actor - Requires Flanking and Range extension
Fixed - ADV/DISCOND not working when magical effect
Feature: Added TATKHDMGS - Source of attack takes damage from target on successful hit
Feature: Added TATKMDMGS - Source of attack takes damage from target on miss
Fixed: [SDC] translation not working properly when applied from a power
Feature: Additional conditional operators – Read the documentation PDF as there is an entire section and multiple options to choose from
Fixed: SAVEDMG not working when multiple conditions/damage types in play
Fixed: [SDC] not taking into account power bonus in addition to group bonus when replaced when applied from a power
Fixed: Conditional operator DYING was inverse
Fixed: Conditional operator range faction filtering fix for enemy/ally
Enhance: Performance optimization range conditional operator
Fixed: Documentation typos
Feature: Conditional operators ADV/DIS will return true if the attack roll has advantage or disadvantage
Feature: Conditonal operator RANGE now also accepts target as a filter which will filter on current targets
Feature: ATKHA,ATKHD,ATKHR, - Activate,Deactivate,Remove effect when the attack is successful
Feature: ATKMA,ATKMD,ATKMR, - Activate,Deactivate,Remove effect when the attack is unsuccessful
Feature: ATKHADD - Add custom effect when the attack is successful
Feature: ATKMADD - Add custom effect when the attack is unsuccessful
Feature: ATKFADD - Add custom effect when the attack is fumble (critical miss)
Fixed: Not all cases handled for translating [SDC] within a power
Feature: ! can be added to BCEG conditional operators to perform logical not
Fixed: SAVEDMG not applied when effect set to disabled. SAVEDMG will still not be applied when effect is removed before the save is resolved. Known deficiency.
Feature: Conditional operator SOURCE. True if the source of the attack, damage, save matches. Useful for defensive advantages against specific creatures
Fixed: DYING
Fixed: conditional operator filter [creature type] was never implemented
BCEG Refactor
Feature: conditional operator WEAPON which will return true when a weapon property matches (requires Advanced Effects Extension)
Feature: BCEG saves support (RA) which will remove the effect on a failed or successful save
Feature: ATKCADD add effect/condition on critical hit
Feature: DMGR will now stack with itself
Changed: Damage filters SDC DMGAT, DMGRT, DMGDT no longer require all
Under the Hood: Moved signifgant code around to more fall in line with the FG paradigm and pipelines. Should be easier to maintain and less prone to errors
Under the Hood: Added a binary sorter for better performance when searching custom effects window with a lot of effects.
Under the Hood: Cleaned things up for 3.5e, still not supported but closer.
Performance: Output some performance statistics for future performance enhancements to file BCEG-Performance.csv in campaign folder (it won't mean much to you)
Feature: Conditional operator ATKDIST returns true if the distance between the attacker and target is <=. Only valid with IFT. No targeting required
Feature: Option to turn off performance logging
Fixed: Conflict with Capital Gains and probably others
Fixed: Script error when damage applied is negative
Fixed: Ongoing saves not completly working as intended
Fixed tags SDMGOS,SREGENS, STREGENS, SDMGOE, SREGENE, STREGENE firing when the were not suppose to
Fixed: Conditional Operators ADV/DIS not working in some situations
Under the Hood: Formatting
Under the Hood: Luacheck for automated code warning/error checking
Feature: Macros tags SNEAKATK, RAKISH, for rogue sneak attack automation and rakish audacity - Requires Advanced Effects Extension
Fixed: Some tags without modifiers not processing
Fixed: OOB.type for client SNEAKATK support
Fixed: On add tags not doing something when target is self
Fixed: Tags without modifiers not processing
Fixed: 5E effects with the tag LIGHT were being prevented from being disabled
Fixed: Reported situation where rSource is nil where it shouldn't be. Likely another extension or ruleset bug. Log to console and fail silently
Fixed: STURNRE/STURNRS needs adjusting with refactor
Update: Database calls for how SW wants them with the next update
Bad Build
Fixed: Conflict KnK
Fixed: Conflict Advanced Spell Damage
Feature: Automated Pack Tactics Trait
Feature: FG Vanilla conditional operators ALIGN, SIZE, TYPE, CUSTOM can be prefaced with ! to perform a logical not
Feature: Conditional operator NAME will return true on a partial match of the creatures name
Feature: SDMGADDT, SDMGADDS, TDMGADDT, TDMGADDS now accept a damage threshold
Fixed: RAKISH not working when actor has both adv and dis
Fixed: Skip not working
Fixed: Clean up effects builder support (WIP)
Under the Hood: More DB calls moved over to the desired method
Fixed: IMMUNE: CUSTOM() will not notify IMMUNE in chat if the applied effect is an aura (spam)
Fixed: SAVEDMG not working if effect is disabled before damage is calculated
Fixed: DUR, EFFINIT not working when (D) is a number
Changed: TURNRS, TURNRE will remove if effect disabledLast edited by rhagelstrom; March 19th, 2023 at 23:15.
January 22nd, 2022, 18:49 #3
Feature: DUSE to the apply cycler in the CT
Feature: Change state added a change state cycler in the CT, powers, custom effects window. Change state tags are all the tags that Activate/Disable/Remove an effect on start or end of turn. Should see better performance on change of turn.
Feature: Option to Deprecate Change State tags. You need to enable this for the performance gains however the Change State tags will no longer work so you'll have to have all your change state done via the cycler.
Notice: At some point in the future Change State tags and DUSE will be deprecated and removed. Since this is such a big change there will be a few months worth of grace period.
Fixed: [SDC] not calculated correctly for warlock
Fixed: Tag SDC not adding bonus to [SDC] on replace
Removed: Performance Data Tracking
Fixed: Logic for change state cyclers
Fixed: SAVEA
Fixed: (RA) not removing
Changed: RTE will not add +1 dur
Fixed: Script error SaveVs from client
Fixed: Change State cycler SDS not working
Fixed: SSAVEE/SSAVES not working correctly
Feature: Effects Migrator
Fixed: CS none with duration sometimes increasing duration
Fixed: Change State Remove on end of turn needed some tweaking
Fixed: Fantasy Grounds doesn't propagate weapon attack type (spell or weapon) when NPC attacking from the CT
Under the Hood: Performance improvement on change turn
Fixed: More descriptive labels for ongoing damage and ongoing regen
Removed Advanced Effects dependency for Sneak Attack and conditional operator WEAPON
Documentation: conditional operator WEAPON was missing from PDF documentation
Fixed: Change State encoded to CT when loaded from module via Equipped Effects or similar extension
Fixed: Chance template name collision with Random Encounter Generator extension
Fixed: Script error when dragging attack roll from chat to CT
Changed: DMGR with an empty filter will assume all. all is no longer required for all
Fixed: NPC Innate Spellecasting with [SDC]
Fixed: Changed utilitybox to match for FG 4.4.0
Changed: WEAPON conditional operator will match on a partial match instead of exact match
Fixed: Unicode not being stripped from effects when added to CT
Fixed: Migrate Effects dialog for under the hood changes
Fixed: New custom effects not detected by BCE/G
Feature: Conditional operator HP - True if the actor has hit points that are greater/less than the operation.
Fixed: ATKCADD missing from documentation.
Conditional operators support both >=,<= and =<,=>.
Feature: SAVEONDMGT - Same as SAVEONDMG but applied to the target. Subsequent tags (SAVEDMG, SAVEADD, SAVEADDP, etc) will also apply to target
Feature: Conditional operator CR which is True if the actor CR/level are greater/less than the operation
Feature: DESTROY - Destroy Actor when applied
Fixed: Cycling power group options sometimes resulted in [SDC] being calculated incorrectly
Fixed: Ongoing saves not giving adv/dis with ADVCOND/DISCOND
Fixed: Traits not being picked up on table start for ct actors. Needed for automatic adv/dis for saves/ongoing saves
Feature: CDMG,MDMG,HDMG - Crit damage, Max Damage, Half Damage. Works like modifiers buttons but also accepts filters
Documentation Module updated for effect building overview and nomenclature
Feature: Spell and spell effect resistance DMG and REGEN tags using the spell descriptor; Resistance can be accomplished by IF: ATK(spell); RESIST: all
Fixed: [SDC] not calculation correctly for NPCs that have different innate spellcasting and spellcasting save DCs
Fixed: FG DMGO tag not dealing sourced damage. More descriptive chat text
Fixed: Minor performance improvements
Fixed: Luacheck automated code checking indicated possible issues
Fixed: Script error on some instances of NPCs with [SDC]
Feature: Players own their Actors effects and thus can delete them from the CT
Feature: HEAL accepts max descriptor for max heal
Feature: ATK conditional operator accepts opportunity
Feature: Option to Alert GM to actors conditions on turn
Fixed: DUR not working with dice string
DevOps: Support for automatic Forge updates from GitHub
Feature: OBSUCRED - See Below
Feature: House Rule (option) Seeing though Invisible because of truesight, blindsight, tremorsense negates Invisible
Fixed: HEAL tag not working correctly with mod
Fixed: IMMUNE:CUSTOM() did not accept effect labels with () in them.
Changed: IMMUNE:CUSTOM, if the effect label has the text 'AoE' or '($)', Chat message is suppressed if Immune. Prevents chat spam when used with AURA extension
Changed: Ongoing SAVE accepts conditions as a descriptor to indicate the save type for purposes of automatic save vs condition
Changed: Tags that add an effect can now add multiple effects separated by commas
Removed: Legacy where saves could be defined SAVE: WIS 10
The following descriptors and what vision types can see though them. must have 1 descriptor
magical darkness - devil's sight, devilsight, truesight, blindsight, tremorsense
darkness - darkvision, devil's sight, devilsight, truesight, blindsight, tremorsense
physical - blindsight, tremorsense
ADV on attacks if the defender can't see the attacker.
DIS on the attack if the attacker can't see the defender.
This will not change how vision appears on the map, only how the underlying game mechanics work.
Feature: [SDC] can be forced to be evaluated from a stat by [SDCINT], [SDCSTR] etc
Feature: HEAL accepts descriptor self, which increases any healing done to this Actor (self) only
Fixed: Script error attacking without tokens on a map
Fixed: RAKISH not working properly when actor has no target and attack roll dropped on target
Fixed: Remove change state not readjusting dur correctly for source effects
Fixed: [SDC] not falling back to group when cast power isn't present
Fixed: EXPIREADD descriptors split incorrectly
Fixed: Conditional operator CRITICAL not working for 75 percent
Fixed: Migrate window for UI updates
Fixed: DMGOE was also healing for same amount
Fixed: NPC SDC not calculated correctly
Fixed: Script error SNEAKATK on NPC with no CR or less than 1
Revert: HEAL self needs more testing and has been removed for the time being as causing incorrect behavior elsewhere
Feature: Conditional operator logical OR. Will OR IF conditional statements when in succession can chain together. IF: CUSTOM(tic); OR; IF: CUSTOM(toc); ADVATK
Feature: Conditional ELSE. See documentation for details
Fixed: Conditions in effects added by SAVEADD, SAVEADDP, where not picked up for save vs condition
Fixed: HEAL self is back
Fixed: DMGO* and REGEN* tags applying from wrong source
Feature: DMGR will accept a decimal value between 0 and 1 to reduce raw damage (before resistances) by a percentage
Fixed: Script error when attacking actor on different map
Fixed: OBSCURED: darkness not working for darkvision
Fixed: Fixed: ADVCOND not working properly
Feature: HEXBLADE - Heal source of effect when Actor drops to 0 HP
Fixed: Conditional operator name not matching if name was a creature type
Fixed: Change state remove source not getting duration quite right
Fixed: Change state last to process on end of turn
Fixed: STACK tag match to be more exact
Changed: Deprecated tags will output to GM chat when matched. These tags will be removed in the next month or so
Changed: effect init now ignored when considered a duplicate
Fixed: 5E Evasion not working with SAVEDMG
Fixed: SAVEONDMGT compatibility with Advanced Effects
Fixed: Ongoing saves spending onroll ADV/DIS incorrectly
Feature: HEAL accepts descriptor temp to differentiate between temp hp heal and hp heal
Feature: AC, HEAL, DMG accept a decimal. Increase/Decrease value of tag as a percentage in addition to a flat value
Fixed: two-handed not working with conditional operator WEAPON
Fixed: Concentration also removing same label with dur 0
Removed: Deprecated change state tags. Use /migrate_effects to update
Changed: Change state icons to match new default theme
Changed: DMGR will randomize dice string on use
Updated: For 2024 ruleset
Fixed: (E) not removing properly on other actors
Fixed: SAVE* supplemental effect not being processed if actor moves out of aura before save is resolved
Fixed: EXPIREADD not working depending on how the effect is removed
Fixed: Script error when REGENA/DMGA used and only clause in effect
Fixed: Script error with Kingdoms and Warfare
Fixed: Recharge not working
Feature: 2024 Sneak Attack, Cunning Strike automation
Feature: 2024 Rogue Devious Strikes automation
Feature: 2024 Conditional Operator MASTERY - True if weapon attack, weapon mastery property matches, and weapon mastery matches on the char
Fixed: ADVCOND not working for damage from NPC
Fixed: SAVEDC not working
Deprecated: SDC, use SAVEDC - this is the Modifier tag e.g SDC: and NOT the macro [SDC]
Fixed: DMGA firing multiple times when used with SAVEA
Fixed: MASTERY conditional when using Advanced Effects
Fixed: Script error when using all descriptor in some cases
Fixed: FG locks when SAVEA applied to multiple targets simultaneously
Feature: IMMUNECON If target has the specified property value, the target will be completely immune to the effect
Fixed: SNEAKATK not working when using Theogeeks nat20
Fixed: Script error with some saves using Requested Rolls
Feature: (TI) when present, the added effect will adjust on target initiative rather than source
Feature: GRANTATK Grant bonus to attack rolls to all attackers
Fixed: Script error with some 2024 masteries
Fixed: script error with SNEAKATK and additional typed damage with DMG
Revert: Backed out delayed updates for ongoing savesLast edited by rhagelstrom; November 13th, 2024 at 15:17.
January 23rd, 2022, 02:08 #4
- Join Date
- Jun 2017
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Hi rhagelstrom, should the instruction module be live already? I've refreshed the FG updater multiple times but I can't see it in my module list. (as an aside, the extension is available).
***Sorry, please ignore. I just read the Grim Press Discord and it's not there yet.Last edited by knorbet77; January 23rd, 2022 at 02:17. Reason: More info found
January 23rd, 2022, 06:04 #5
It seems the .mod wasn't in the original upload. The fix is awaiting SW approval. I've attached the mod to the first post in the meantime
January 23rd, 2022, 20:30 #6
The module should now be included. Sorry for the mix-up.
Check out the Grim Press Website!
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January 23rd, 2022, 20:39 #7
Version Update: 3.1
Fixed - Space being removed from effect label when proceeded by a ,
Fixed - (DE) not disabling effect on add as intended
Fixed - Double CT menu when using some themes
Fixed - Documentation module included with download
January 23rd, 2022, 20:50 #8
I have to say Ryan, this is crazy awesome, so much time saved for DMs and players, can't believe how much work you've put into this. Hands down couple this with 5eAE (Automatic Effects mods) it's just so easy and clean now.
January 26th, 2022, 22:45 #9
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- Mar 2020
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Would you also provide a PDF of the documentation as a handy reference without opening a module reference in game?
Have you heard of the Effect Builder extension?
January 26th, 2022, 22:48 #10
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