Fantasy Grounds Merchandise
  1. #1

    CoC6e Combat Tracker Repair

    In doing the extension for Delta Green, I realized that the Combat Tracker for CoC6e has been broken, with overlapping, and as someone pointed out to me, you can't drag and drop numbers.

    I have broken out the corrections I made for Delta Green into a separate extension so that whoever is left playing 6e can make use of that repair.
    So, this extension does
    - Fix Overlay Issue
    - Fix dragging issue
    - Move d100 to main screen (Okay, not a CT issue, but it really should be there for a d100 game)
    BTW, I make no claim to this code. If whoever is maintaining the 6e CoC ruleset wishes to roll the repairs in to the main ruleset, I have no problem with that.

    Combat Tracker Repair

  2. #2
    Thanks for the notice on the issues. I compared your changes to my code; and made some adjustments based on your suggestions.

    I'll push with the ruleset updates next week.


  3. #3
    Just to be clear, I included the template_ct.xml file by mistake. There are no changes on it that I can remember making or could find. There was something I had to adjust for Delta Green, but not for CoC. My apologies if I wasted your time looking for a change that wasn't there.
    In the ct_entry.lua, I only changed one function - the LinkPCFields (Line 155) function. I removed "TRUE" after the hp, mp, & sp setLink commands to match how it was done in the 5e combat tracker. This allowed me to drop dice rolls on each to affect each window.
    The ct_entry.lua and gameelements.xml are self explanatory.

  4. #4
    Thanks for the additional info. I ended up doing a file compare between the two to make sure I understood what was changing.


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