Starfinder Playlist
  1. #1

    1 Player LFG 5E, Any Weeknight after 5:30 CST, Weekends Free, I AM NEW TO DnD

    FG License: I can get Unity if needed!
    Time Zone: Central Standard Time, USA.
    Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: I get off work at 4:30 my time, can stay up a little later to play but would prefer to go to sleep by midnight.(My job gets me up early)
    Term: Interested in finding a long-term campaign, but willing to float for a while or plan on being a temporary part of a party. I'm new, but excited to start my journey so i will accommodate others and learn as fast as I can to help make this a fun experience for myself and others. I will communicate if I think I'm unable to keep an intended term as to not leave you in the wind.
    Voice: Discord, and other software, but id prefer not to pay for other software than Unity if needed.

    Game System Preferred: Have very minimal experience through the participation of one 5e Adventure League (not in FGU), but broadly I am familiar with 5E and know basics of Player knowledge. I'll just be honest, please be willing to help and be patient.
    Game System Experience: Little to None.
    Fantasy Grounds Experience: I think with brief direction, I'd learn anything I didn't already know rather swiftly. Combat would be slightly shaky for me, though I've watched video How-To's.

    Character Type Preferred: Chaotic in nature, Good or Evil, I am still learning to develop my role-playing aspect but i believe I'm fairly good at it. Class wise, I will do what's best for the group as I am not picky and would like to master my skills in any aspect i can (although I do prefer a character who may be good with weapon, I would still like to try out a more magical character if need be). My personality is fairly OUT THERE and abrupt, so i usually go with chaotic based styles cause i will go with an idea no matter how crazy until its dead in the water, but really, I'll feel out the atmosphere before i do anything crazy. I'm adaptable, quick earner, and I think I'm generally pretty likeable.

    I'm primarily interested in appealing to a GM's needs/wants. Overall, I'd like to suit a role you find interesting or dive into the lore of your world and its conflicts. In my mind it feels more immersive if my character is built around a world not the other way around and being emersed in a world where you fit and relieving the GM of some strain, and maybe helping develop some other players character, would be an amazing way to start my journey. Let me dive into the thought-out complexities of your world and fill out a character who is set up to help navigate a meaningful conflict (even if small in scale) with the party. I think this will be a great way for me to get my feet wet and bring out some experience until I'm ready to start a long-term campaign or even GM myself!

    I also have some interest in helping a GM/DM prepare so i can learn that wheelhouse. I know that offers some challenges, but if there are ways that can be imagined, say, with music prep, map prep, character or monster creation, etc. I'm happy to provide my time if it works with my schedule and i can join in on the campaign!

    Contact Info: Feel free to contact me via this post, or Discord (BIG_TEXAS#2160) if you have interest in my joining you or in us talking. Thanks!

  2. #2
    Hey there,
    Have a look at my post. You may be a good fit if you are available on Sundays?

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