5E Product Walkthrough Playlist
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  1. #31
    SoxMax's Avatar
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    Mar 2021
    Massachusetts, USA
    Hey thanks for the super detailed report and fix! I did some digging and it looks like the token drawing always defaults smaller spaces to the whatever the ruleset's 1 Unit space. So this change not only fixes a bug but makes it more ruleset accurate!

    In the future also don't be afraid to open a pull request directly for your fix so you can flex on others with your contribution

  2. #32
    Hi there! This is great and super helpful for my PF1e group. Would it be possible to add the REACH and ADDREACH parameters that the Size Matters extension has? I'm wary about installing both since they share effect syntax.

  3. #33
    SoxMax's Avatar
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    Mar 2021
    Massachusetts, USA
    Oh right, I had intended to add reach effects and completely forgot about it. I should have some time this week to get to it.

  4. #34
    That is amazing! Thank you for being so responsive.

  5. #35
    SoxMax's Avatar
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    Mar 2021
    Massachusetts, USA
    I've added `REACH` and `SREACH` effects.

    REACH: n
    Change reach by n

    SREACH: n
    Sets reach to n. The largest takes precedence, other reach effects are ignored.

  6. #36
    Space and Reach changes were incorrect for me when using a SIZE: 1 size effect on a large creature with space and reach 10. Changed both values to 5. Using a lot of extensions, including Kelrugem's Advanced Automation but I have a game in a couple hours so I don't have time to extensively test interactions. I'll update when I get a chance to toggle the extensions.

  7. #37
    SoxMax's Avatar
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    Massachusetts, USA
    Hrm, I don't think there's much that should interact with the size and reach calculations. Is the monster you were using the effect on a standard monster I could test against?

  8. #38
    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think we technically need a way to increase the damage die by one step separate from increasing the effective size. Per this FAQ a +1 size increase will make the damage die increase by 2 steps on the table. However, there's at least one situation I've found where a spell doesn't increase the effective size by 1 step, but just the damage die by 1 step (kind of a 1/2 effective size increase). Animal Aspect, gorilla. The spell in FGU is incorrectly using the ESIZE option when it needs to use the 1 step on the damage die table. In the follow up FAQ, it says these two things shouldn't stack either, but I don't know if there's a simple way to manage that.

  9. #39
    SoxMax's Avatar
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    Mar 2021
    Massachusetts, USA
    Of course there's a spell that specifically interacts with damage progression and not size. The best fix for this is probably to a a new effect for capturing “your damage die type increases by one step”. I can ensure this extension then takes the largest effective dice increase between ESIZE and this new effect.

    Maybe the new effect could be called DMGPROG.

  10. #40
    I have two campaigns that have differing results to the use of this extension. One when SIZE: 1 size, melee is applied the icon changes in size/space as does the reach. In another campaign it doesn't. In the one that doesn't I removed all the extensions but this one and it still isn't changing the icon or the reach. I'm at a loss as to why this is.

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