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  1. #1
    SoxMax's Avatar
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    3.5E/PFRPG - Size Changes

    In both 3.5 and Pathfinder when you change size the damage your weapons do changes as well. I've added a few effects that allow that to happen automatically.

    Additionally the SIZE effect will change the space a token takes up on the grid, and optionally the amount of reach a creature has. The reach is the best estimation I can come up with but may be wrong at times for NPCs since there's not great info on if a creature is Long or Tall in then NPC block.

    I've tested compatibility with some extensions, but obviously not all. Let me know if you run into any problems.

    The extension is here in the Forge: https://forge.fantasygrounds.com/shop/items/437/view

    The code for the extension can always be found here: https://github.com/SoxMax/FG-Size-Changes
    Last edited by SoxMax; January 12th, 2022 at 15:02.

  2. #2
    The size increase and decrease do also need to take into account CMB and CMD for pathfinder. Any attack and AC bonuses apply to CMB and CMD also. For enlarge person in pathfinder the whole effect in fantasy grounds is:
    Enlarge Person;STR:2 size;DEX:-2 size;AC:-1 size;ATK:-1 size;CMB:2 size;CMD:1 size;SKILL:-4 size,stealth;SKILL:-2 size,fly

    So this extension does not calculate the following correctly: (This is for pathfinder 1st edition no other extensions)
    Skills fly and stealth you just have mixed the + and - (SIZE: 1 gives us a positive number instead of a negative in your extension)
    Nice thing about the size and reach change, but if I wield a reach weapon (which I mostly do when playing characters with enlarge) the reach does not update correctly.
    The size modified my weapon damage, but only for normal hits. A critical hit gives me my modified weapon damage + critical hit damage of the "normal" unmodified weapon.

    This section is with other extenions enabeled:
    And when I used it with my extensions the weapon damage dice did not change at all, but I have not tried to locate which extension causes the issue (I use Kels extension together with several of bmos, aura extension, height extension and better combat effects)

  3. #3
    SoxMax's Avatar
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    Thanks for the bug report, I'll get the skills and CMB/CMD sorted out.

    For crits, that's gonna be trickier and I'm kicking myself I overlooked it.

    As far as with other extensions, the lack of damage modification is a conflict with Kel's extension. I did submit a bugfix for that, but Kel may be waiting to release that along with his updates from the big ruleset changes back in December. In that case sorry, my extension probably isn't super useful until then since Kel's is invaluable.

  4. #4
    SoxMax's Avatar
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    Uploaded a 1.1.0 version which fixes the CMB/CMD and inverted skill bonuses. I realized I thought the CMB/CMD were being cancelled by the ATK/AC bonuses, but that's not the case. I'll hopefully have a fix for the Crit Damage by tomorrow.

  5. #5
    SoxMax's Avatar
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    Sorry turned out fixing the Crit Damage was easier than I thought. Should be all set now.

    For reach I'm not quite sure what the best solution is, by default the ruleset doesn't display reach either. I'm not sure that's a good answer though. Would it make sense to double the reach in situations where a character has an equipped reach weapon? Even though that weapon may not be what they're actively using?

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by SoxMax View Post
    Sorry turned out fixing the Crit Damage was easier than I thought. Should be all set now.

    For reach I'm not quite sure what the best solution is, by default the ruleset doesn't display reach either. I'm not sure that's a good answer though. Would it make sense to double the reach in situations where a character has an equipped reach weapon? Even though that weapon may not be what they're actively using?
    If the code dont have access to reach there are no good answers I think.
    Personally I think it is best that the reach doubles if a character has reach weapon equipped, but others might disagree.

  7. #7
    SoxMax's Avatar
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    With Kel's major update to his Extended Automation extension there shouldn't be compatibility problems between my Size extension and his anymore.

  8. #8
    Just tested your extension and came upon two issues:
    - When dragging the effect "Enlarge Person; SIZE: 1 size, melee; STR: 2 size; DEX: -2 size" on a PC the shown reach & space in the CT entry change. The reach on the map changes. The token size does not change. You need to redrag the token from the CT to change the token size.
    - When removing the effect, the CT entries of the space & reach stay at changed size and need to manually be changed back to normal.
    Last edited by Zarestia; January 11th, 2022 at 20:37. Reason: typo

  9. #9
    SoxMax's Avatar
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    Just pushed a new build which should fix the problems you were seeing @Zarestia

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by SoxMax View Post
    Just pushed a new build which should fix the problems you were seeing @Zarestia
    Thank you!
    The second point works now.

    The PC token size still doesn't get changed when activating/dragging the effect. If you need more information let me know

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