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  1. #21
    I was working on a CoC game set in feudal Japan, and made this huge list of Japanese names. It's by no means comprehensive, but I have 500 surnames, female names and male names. I also have a reference addition with information on Japanese pronunciation, syllables, etc. I've tried it out, and it seems to be working okay. Feel free to add this to the main module.
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  2. #22
    Fantastic, thank you for that! I've added the items to a new build and just submitted it for review.

  3. #23
    Thank you very much! This is a very useful mod and I'm really glad to be able to add some things to it.

  4. #24
    Build approved, next time you run the update the content should be there.

  5. #25
    Thank you so much! That's fantastic!

  6. #26
    Out of curiosity, I added a reference about pronunciation. Is that possible to add, or is that troublesome? If it's not added to the mod, no big deal. It's not really necessary, but I thought it might be useful.

  7. #27
    I added what there was to the Usage section of the manual. Is there something I missed as I did change the format a little?

  8. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by sedgetone View Post
    I added what there was to the Usage section of the manual. Is there something I missed as I did change the format a little?
    Oh, that's where it was! Totally didn't see it. That's perfect. Thank you!

  9. #29
    Just want to say a big thank you to those five hundred CoC abusers who subscribed to this mod.

  10. #30
    This is a fantastic mod, one of my favorites.

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