December 8th, 2021, 16:52 #1
OSE Final List of automated effects.
Here is a comprehensive list of effects that are automated on the combat tracker. They are currently live on Test and will be on live when we get the Core RPG update.
Attack ATK:#
Damage DMG:#
Saves SAVE:# **(effects all saves)**
Wands WAND:#
Breath BREATH:#
Death DEATH:#
Spells SPELL:#
Paralysis PARALYSIS:#
Damage over time DMGO:#
Regeneration REGEN:#
Armor Class AC:#https://forge.fantasygrounds.com/shop/items/199/view
Old School Essentials Ruleset
5e Random Dungeon Generator!
December 8th, 2021, 18:01 #2
Can (and how) they be added to NPC stat blocks so they work automatically when added to the CT?
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December 8th, 2021, 19:29 #3
Each NPC has an effects control (bottom right). I just need to add another block for all the other random effects. Should only apply to monsters that regen though.
Old School Essentials Ruleset
5e Random Dungeon Generator!
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