1. #1

    Fizban's belongs in Essentials Bundle IMO

    I think Fizban's Treasury of Dragons should be given the same weight as Volo's Guide to Monsters and Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes, and be part of the D&D Essentials Bundle rather than the Completionist Bundle.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Sydney, Australia
    I asked the same question of Moon Wizard over on Discord, he said he would check with Doug. It should be part of the Completionist bundle, as that includes everything, but it should also be in Essentials as it has new character options.

  3. #3
    I heard back from Doug:
    "At this time, we believe that the D&D Completionists is the more appropriate bundle for this product."


  4. #4
    I have quit buying fantasy grounds because of decisions like this. I have bought every dnd book up until candlekeep and seeing how you guys add garbage to the completions bundle. Dnd published books should not every be forced to be part of a bundle with stuff like pipyett or what every that is

  5. #5
    Possibly unpopular opinion: the essentials bundle has too many items? PHB, DMG, MM are shoo-ins. Tasha's I can see (due to the large chunk of modifications to the base classes). Maybe the Sword Coast to have some sort of "standard" world. Perhaps Phandelver to have a first adventure module. After that, the rest seem (to me) to be expansions. There's already an Adventures bundle for everything adventure related, and the Completionist for everything. Perhaps one more bundle for the non-adventure books? Or two bundles, one for non-adventure and one for worlds (Sword Coast, Eberron, Ravinica(?), Ravenloft(?).

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