1. #1

    (SR) DnD Barbarian (Enhanced Version, 2.0)

    So, while I will update the regular Drag n Drop forum thread to include this information, I wanted to get a little more feedback on the sweeping automation changes I am making to the core. I have a video I will include in this to show what the new version will include (when it gets through the forge update process), so you can see what's to come.

    Drag-n-Drop Enhanced Barbarian Use (YouTube Video)

    The goal to this enhanced (v2) version is to make it much easier to select those feats/features that are part of the barbarian class and have them ready for use on the Actions Tab of the character sheet - at least until the next version of the ruleset comes out (in which case, I'll review whether or not the DnD series is even necessary or if it still offers use within Trenloe's amazing efforts to provide us with the best possible PF2 ruleset).

    With that in mind, let me know if the Spell Class creation and population of powers/features within it works. If the ease of adding new actionable feats or instinct features makes game play easier/better. Is this a welcome improvement to the DnD (drag n drop) series and seeing version of it for all the classes would be something desired.

    So take a gander at the video (if you have 30m to spare), let me know what you think, what might be improvements to it, or why it might not work as an option to character creation.

    Regardless, though, hope everyone enjoys!
    Ultimate License Owner since 2011 and FG GM since 2008
    Game Systems: 5E, Pathfinder, Starfinder, Call of Cthulhu, RoleMaster, C&C, Pathfinder 2, Old School Essentials

    Home Page: ShadeRaven Sorceries (Blog, Fantasy & Campaign Stories, Cat Tales, and more)

  2. #2
    Okay, the latest update with the new feature added automation is out in the Forge. Enjoy!
    Ultimate License Owner since 2011 and FG GM since 2008
    Game Systems: 5E, Pathfinder, Starfinder, Call of Cthulhu, RoleMaster, C&C, Pathfinder 2, Old School Essentials

    Home Page: ShadeRaven Sorceries (Blog, Fantasy & Campaign Stories, Cat Tales, and more)

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