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  1. #1

    Tokens for Traveller 2e

    Anyone know of any decent token sets for Traveller inc Aslan, Droyne & Vargr etc?


  2. #2
    I would also be interested in this. There's a dearth of good tokens for scifi settings, in general.

  3. #3
    What would you folks be looking for in the way of tokens? Maybe if a list could be put together, that could give me/us a guide to start building some. This actually sounds like a fun mini project and I wouldn't mind tackling that at some point.

  4. #4
    I'd like a range of tokens for the races found in the Traveller universe. Humans obviously but also Vargr, Aslan & Droyne plus a few traveller style/Hard sci-fi aliens e.g. the Bwap etc.

    Some could armed but as Travellers typically use a variety of different weapons depending where they are/what they are doing (law level/on ships vs on planet) etc unarmed is preferable for me.

    I would try to make them myself but i have all the artistic ability of a paraplegic chicken so it'd be great if someone with a little talent could help out here.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by fruitbat View Post
    I'd like a range of tokens for the races found in the Traveller universe. Humans obviously but also Vargr, Aslan & Droyne plus a few traveller style/Hard sci-fi aliens e.g. the Bwap etc.

    Some could armed but as Travellers typically use a variety of different weapons depending where they are/what they are doing (law level/on ships vs on planet) etc unarmed is preferable for me.

    I would try to make them myself but i have all the artistic ability of a paraplegic chicken so it'd be great if someone with a little talent could help out here.
    yes, this would be very useful. Also, perhaps a few choices of different colored missiles, to track what type and where each volley is during space combat.

  6. #6

  7. #7
    GregRex's Avatar
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    I'd like to chime in real quick as this thread has the chance to pick up momentum.

    Aslan, Vargr, Droyne, etc are all intellectual property of Far Future Enterprises (FFE). Unless they, or Mongoose Publishing under license, give express permission to create and sell images as token packs based on the races of their IP I would advise against making and distributing them as such.

    No one has crossed a line yet. I love this community and I don't want to see anyone get in trouble.

    However, if you make 'Sci-Fi Cat People', 'Space Dogs', 'Bugs with Lasers', etc token pack please be sure to tag me so I can buy your stuff.

  8. #8
    I just googled for Sci-Fi themed tokens and managed to find some on free image download sites - sorry, didn't bookmark the URLs. I need them for the Savage Worlds ruleset too, so it was worth spending time to search. Some of what I found were actually PNG symbol images made for mapping software like Cosmographer, where I also needed them. Such symbols are easy to convert to FGU tokens following the instructions kicking around different forums here. Most of what I've been able to find though are portraits. I did manage to find some top-down character tokens in PNG format, but they're definitely more scarce on the Inter-tubes than portraits. Ship and vehicle tokens are more of a challenge to find, but they're out there.

    Nothing I found were official to the Traveller verse, so no FFE IP infringement. It'd be nice to have official ones, but what I have will do.

  9. #9

  10. #10
    My solution takes some conversion work. Mike Leonard (El Cheapo Products) has a variety of inexpensive paper miniatures and portraits in pdf form for
    Traveller on Drivethru, that was released via the Traveller Drivethru community store(TAS). I converted some of the pdf images to png,
    and then did the clipping using paint3d, and resizing for FGU token and portrait size. Only done a few so far, when I get time, I will build out
    my personal collection.

    He has a variety of pdfs, crew folk, future folk(citizens), navy, imperial marines, merchants, spaceport folks, belters, space elf folks(talking to you guys Darrians), Vargr
    crew and pirates, Aslan, Hivers, and Zhodani, some gang folk. Very well done. I recommend buying them.

    I can not distribute what I did, because I am not the IP or copyright owner, and neither should you. Buy the damn packs and don't distribute them without permission or any converted tokens. But for personal use, for your personal games to make some fine traveler tokens they are great.

    (it wold be nice if somebody who knows Mike Leonard, got him to make some token packs for FG for sale. Would buy them in a flash).
    Last edited by chumbly; October 30th, 2021 at 21:11.

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