1. #1

    Authorized OSRIC mods for preview

    In line with community feedback previously given the mods are finalized and split so as to permit loading only the content needed for immediate play. These are for use with the official 2E rule set combined with Celestian's 1E extension (located on the Forge); the players and GM load these instead of the 2E PHB/DMG/MM. The breakdown of the mod split is as follows:


    OSRIC Players' Content: This will virtually always be loaded, and contains all the material typical of players handbooks. Races, classes, spells, etc., and a reference guide of that material.

    OSRIC GM's Reference - Monsters and Encounters: Contains all the NPCs-as-monsters found in the OSRIC rulebook chapter 5, and also all dungeon and outdoor random encounter charts. The GM's module for treasure can be loaded if and when the GM needs to roll on monsters' lair treasure tables, but otherwise this should be pretty self-contained.

    Use this to run hexcrawling and most non-urban gaming that isn't inside a dedicated "adventure module". Also contains a reference manual for OSRIC chapts 4-6 (i.e., the rest of the book).

    OSRIC GM's Reference - Classed NPCs and Urban Encounters: This module is designed mainly for prep, excepting city adventuring. The GM's module for treasure will often be used in conjunction when developing classed NPCs for play, to randomly determine their magic items.

    Contains all the templates for classed NPCs of various races, classes, and levels. If you need to create a level 4/4 gnome fighter/illusionist or half-elf F/M/T NPC, there's one in here for you to drag-copy and individualize. These are read-only to prevent overwriting the templates.

    This mod also contains some minor monster redundancies - everything needed to run urban random encounters as per the OSRIC day and night time random encounter charts without needing to load any other module.

    Lastly, it contains the generators for caravans, pilgrims, and NPC parties. Create these in prep and export them out to your "in-play" campaign folder.

    OSRIC GM's Reference - Treasure: All the gems, jewellery, magic items, and associated treasure tables found in OSRIC chapter 6.

    OSRIC GM's Reference - Dungeon Dressing: these tables are split out into a very small module of their own to facilitate a GM using them with a dungeon adventure without loading a larger module. The material is also broadly useful in a rule set-agnostic sense, so may be of interest to GMs running any game with dungeons.

    This module is attached below in post #4, as I ran into the attachment cap in this post.

    OSRIC GM's Reference - Random Dungeon Generation: This will usually be used in prep by itself, is similarly ruleset-agnostic, and may be of interest to GMs of any rule system needing to generate dungeons. Nothing else is needed to generate a dungeon, but if wanting to use the few treasure tables embedded the Treasure module will need to be loaded.


    These will be submitted to the Forge shortly for inclusion, but I welcome anyone poking around in them, as this is usually the fastest way to find broken links which have evaded the adapter's QA

    The split was mostly successful in preventing a GM from having to load all GM mods at once. The known exception to this is if the players randomly encounter and decide to melee with a "men" or "demi-human" encounter such as brigands, berserkers, nomads, etc. In that rare case a GM could theoretically need to pull up both the GM classed NPC mod to grab the higher level leadership, and the treasure mod to determine if they had magic items usable in immediate combat to follow.

    Edit - updated Players File 9/6/21 to fix broken links in other mods
    Last edited by First Edition Society; September 6th, 2021 at 22:19.

  2. #2
    Will these mods work in Classic and Unity?

  3. #3
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    May 2011
    Colorado, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by First Edition Society View Post
    This module is attached in a separate thread, as I ran into the attachment cap in this thread.
    The limit is five attachments per post, not per thread.

    Other community developers will frequently create a thread for their creations and put a few posts at the beginning - using a "Placeholder" to reserve the post for future use. You can then put 5 attachments in each post.
    Last edited by Trenloe; August 16th, 2021 at 09:35.
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by TXCBoy36 View Post
    Will these mods work in Classic and Unity?
    Yes, they'll work in both. They were built in Classic so should work like any module from FGC loaded up in Unity. The versions that go up on the Forge later will likely get Unity-specific updates as it gets new features, so these attachments in this thread will stay available for classic users so long as it works.

    Quote Originally Posted by Trenloe View Post
    The limit is five attachments per post, not per thread.

    Other community developers will frequently create a thread for their creations and put a few posts at the beginning - using a "Placeholder" to reserve the post for future use. You can then put 5 attachments in each post.
    The forum defeating me because I didn't think to "go advanced" when posting an OSRIC mod is an ironic way to start a Monday...

    Dungeon Dressing mod now moved here to consolidate the files.
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by First Edition Society; August 16th, 2021 at 10:28.

  5. #5
    updated players mod file - I'd renamed it from "Players' Content" to "Player's Reference", which resulted in some broken links. Renamed "Players' Content" and tested to ensure spell links worked across mods.

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