5E Character Create Playlist
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  1. #11
    You can add a check for factions to account for the 'each non-hostile' clause in the spell. It should affect neutral parties, as well:

    System: 5e
    Game Mechanic: Crusader's Mantle
    AURA: 30 all; Crusader's Mantle; IF: FACTION(!foe); DMG: 1d4 radiant, melee, ranged; (C)
    Notes: No other extensions required.
    Last edited by M0kkan; August 9th, 2021 at 18:20. Reason: Added formatting

  2. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by M0kkan View Post
    You can add a check for factions to account for the 'each non-hostile' clause in the spell. It should affect neutral parties, as well:

    AURA: 30 all; Crusader's Mantle; IF: FACTION(!foe); DMG: 1d4 radiant, melee, ranged; (C)
    True story. This is better.

  3. #13

  4. #14
    My "Inspire Courage" laden bard player will *love* this extension!

    Ruleset: PF2
    Game Mechanic: Inspire Courage
    AURA: 60 friend; Inspire Courage; ATK: 1 status; DMG: 1 status; DMGS: 1 status; SAVE: 1 fear, status

    For "Lingering Composition" I combined this with the PF2 ruleset "result state" and "Apply all effects" button, using a modified saving throw to simulate the Performance check. Now the bard player only has to click the dice symbol of the spell action and then the "Apply all effects" button to automatically affects all friends within 60 ft. for a duration (in rounds) according to his performance check. Two quick button clicks, no extra targeting, all the glory. Thanks alot for making our gaming sessions easier!

  5. #15
    RE: Spirit Guardians.
    I have copy pasted the above codes, tried modifying parts but the most recent (V4.1.4 Ult) FGU and no other extensions running. The FROMAURA applies and comes off properly, but it is not triggering the Save or Damage.
    Anyone else having any issues?

  6. #16

    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Sydney, Australia
    I had the same issue last night, but wasn't sure if it was just me as it was my 1st time using Aura's

  7. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Sharedrpg242 View Post
    RE: Spirit Guardians.
    I have copy pasted the above codes, tried modifying parts but the most recent (V4.1.4 Ult) FGU and no other extensions running. The FROMAURA applies and comes off properly, but it is not triggering the Save or Damage.
    Anyone else having any issues?
    Quote Originally Posted by johnecc View Post
    I had the same issue last night, but wasn't sure if it was just me as it was my 1st time using Aura's
    Are you guys using BCE along with Aura

  8. #18
    Ruleset: PF2
    Game Mechanic: Xulgath Stench
    Code: TrogStench; AURA: 30 foe; Stench; IF: FACTION(!friend); IF: CUSTOM(Trog Stench); SAVE: -2 fortitude
    Also change the Xulgath automation to add Trog Stench to the sickened effect.
    Code: "sickened 1"|Effect: Trog Stench; Sickened: 1; DC: 16[FAILURE][CRITFAILURE]

    “He says gods like having an atheist around. Gives them something to aim at.”

    Terry Pratchett [RIP] - Small Gods

  9. #19

    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Sydney, Australia
    MrDDT, I know that we were not using it in the game I was in.

  10. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Sharedrpg242 View Post
    RE: Spirit Guardians.
    I have copy pasted the above codes, tried modifying parts but the most recent (V4.1.4 Ult) FGU and no other extensions running. The FROMAURA applies and comes off properly, but it is not triggering the Save or Damage.
    Anyone else having any issues?
    If you have the option to enforce concentration checks on, then it sees each aura application as a concentration spell due to the (C) on the end. You would need to remove the (C) in the aura code and add a separate effect to track the concentration.

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