1. #1

    Item pending approval - how many days?


    I have an item pending approval on the Forge:
    Item ID: 710adc86-ef3a-11eb-8c52-0050562be458

    Do you have an idea on how long it will take to approve?

    I has been previously approved, but I recently updated the description to try to make it more in line with what was explained here in the forums, and it's been now several days.

    I ask you this because I was afraid maybe it was a bug, and support was not notified it is pending.

    Thanks !

  2. #2
    ddavison's Avatar
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    Everything has been approved in the Forge except for Star Wars. You replied by email saying that we could just delete it. Let me know if you believe you have remedied the issues with copyrights and I will re-review it.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by ddavison View Post
    Everything has been approved in the Forge except for Star Wars. You replied by email saying that we could just delete it. Let me know if you believe you have remedied the issues with copyrights and I will re-review it.
    Sorry, maybe I was not clear in my email:

    - This is the item that needs to be deleted (as I will not support it for now):
    Star Wars Theme/Skin for Star Wars RPG
    Item ID: bec67876-efc2-11eb-8c52-0050562be458

    - This other one I have already removed all copyright logos and images, as you explained to me, and actually had already been reviewed and approved, but later on I edited the description, after I read in the forums some instructions:
    Star Wars RPG ruleset (Fantasy Flight Games / Edge Studios)
    Item ID: 710adc86-ef3a-11eb-8c52-0050562be458
    (please keep this item, it is ready for review and approval if all is ok)

  4. #4
    ddavison's Avatar
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    This should now be approved. Thanks.

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