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  1. #11
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
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    Dec 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by FyreM View Post
    when a user is logged in, and on the Forge.fantisygrounds.com page... it continues to show LOGIN as a menu opttion, and actually lets the user login. .. and again, and aagin. a few people are so frustrated that the Forge "isn't letting me login, no matter how many times i try".

    simply because the page doesn't hide the Login option on the loginmenu... if they are already logged in.

    sure, have Logout. thats perfect, but for goodness sake .. hide LOGIN.
    See here : https://imgur.com/a/WdXq5We.jpg
    Quote Originally Posted by Lo Zeno View Post
    Absolutely, this.
    There's no indicator on the page whether a user is logged in or not, actually it makes it always look like a user is never logged in.
    As far as I can tell you can't even see that menu option if you aren't already logged in. So if you are seeing it you are logged in. The name of the menu option might need changing (to Log out maybe) if it's causing you confusion.
    If there is something that you would like to see in Fantasy Grounds that isn't currently part of the software or if there is something you think would improve a ruleset then add your idea here https://www.fantasygrounds.com/featu...rerequests.php

  2. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Zacchaeus View Post
    As far as I can tell you can't even see that menu option if you aren't already logged in. So if you are seeing it you are logged in. The name of the menu option might need changing (to Log out maybe) if it's causing you confusion.
    It's not causing "me" confusion more as it's against any established pattern in any website. If you go to Amazon, Outlook, Gmail, PornHub (yes, even there) or, heck, any website in the world wide web where you can have an account, you won't see a button inviting you to login if you are already logged in. Breaking a pattern that every internet user follows since the dawn of the internet is not helping new users to understand how to navigate the page.
    User Experience matters, for these things. Even more so if you notice that even the forums change "login" into "logout" once you're logged in - someone coming from the forums to the Forge for the first time will assume that the Forge works "the same way" as the forum (and it is a fair assumption to make), only to be well disappointed as soon as it ends up in a loop trying to login multiple times because he keeps seeing the button that says "login" instead of "logout".

  3. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Alyksandrei View Post
    A "Wishlist" of items you'd like to subscribe to in the future (such as when you have the funds to spare) would be really nice. I just saw a bunch of items I'd really like to get, but I don't have the money right now.
    a shopping cart / wishlist would be a great feature.

  4. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Zacchaeus View Post
    As far as I can tell you can't even see that menu option if you aren't already logged in. So if you are seeing it you are logged in. The name of the menu option might need changing (to Log out maybe) if it's causing you confusion.
    here is what the banner looks like before you login
    and here is what it banner looks like AFTER you login

    yes. they are exactly the same. you have no way to know that the system thinks you ARE logged in.
    it is JUST an UI (or do they call it UX now, i never could keep track) thing . sure. but .. it is a basic UI thing that should be corrected.

  5. #15
    Tiderian Prime's Avatar
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    Does the Forge allow for gifting a product or gold? I run a fairly active community and want to buy all our GM's either some gold or a product of their choice, is that possible? If not, please add this to the wish-list.

  6. #16
    i know you have your reasons, but i wish the forge allowed for actual currency instead of the 500 gold min. there are products for sale that are less than that. and some products are not worth $5. I love the forge but i hate this fake currency at fixed amounts. i know that paypal doesn't allow you to make smaller payments without a penalty but most of these paid for ext were on dmsguild that allowed exact currency so it would be nice if this is in the plans for the future.

  7. #17
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
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    Dec 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Hardbushido View Post
    i know you have your reasons, but i wish the forge allowed for actual currency instead of the 500 gold min. there are products for sale that are less than that. and some products are not worth $5. I love the forge but i hate this fake currency at fixed amounts. i know that paypal doesn't allow you to make smaller payments without a penalty but most of these paid for ext were on dmsguild that allowed exact currency so it would be nice if this is in the plans for the future.
    See the first post.
    If there is something that you would like to see in Fantasy Grounds that isn't currently part of the software or if there is something you think would improve a ruleset then add your idea here https://www.fantasygrounds.com/featu...rerequests.php

  8. #18
    I would like to see a better standard on which exts/products work with what rulesets.

    Example. I want to see stuff that works for 5E. However, I wont see a lot of the products that work for 5E because it will only show the ones that are only 5E. (Like things listed in CORE)

  9. #19
    For those of us with a brand, the ability to set a display name instead of the forum user name?
    And perhaps to go with that, a branded catalogue page for that account? Similar to how DriveThruRPG.com has a merchant “home page” as a part of their store where the merchants own items, are displayed with a fancy header banner and description text to help promote the merchant and their wears to users who want more products just from that merchant.

    For example, currently my product is listed as being created by Tailz Silver Paws. I would prefer it to display Studio WyldFurr. While clicking on my crafter name will take you a page that displays my other products, this could be the “merchant home page” displaying a banner graphic, short description or welcome note, and list of products (would be nice to include a category filter too).

    THE FORGE is a great idea by the way. Do you have a snappy logo for it that crafters can use on their web sites to help drive traffic?
    Last edited by Tailz Silver Paws; July 28th, 2021 at 23:40. Reason: More detail…
    Tailz, the Artist of Studio WyldFurr
    Follow Studio WyldFurr on Twitter, Facebook, and the studio web site.
    "The London Underground, is not a resistance movement!"

  10. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by MrDDT View Post
    I would like to see a better standard on which exts/products work with what rulesets.

    Example. I want to see stuff that works for 5E. However, I wont see a lot of the products that work for 5E because it will only show the ones that are only 5E. (Like things listed in CORE)
    I agree - if this could be a list with check boxes to be able to select multiple options would be great.

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