1. #1

    Pathfinder Baseball

    So my girlfriend is running a Pathfinder one-shot based on the 1993 baseball movie The Sandlot.
    She came up with some rules for running baseball in Pathfinder 1e and, while I'm clueless when it comes to sports, I think they're pretty awesome.
    A friend of ours and I helped adjust the rules for balance and add some extra fun like catcher heckling.

    There are 4 players on a PF Baseball team - magically doubles everyone, no shortstop. Catcher plays home and third, Pitcher and 2nd, First and Right, Center and Left. 4 outs per inning- so everyone can hit.

    Stealing: Before the Pitcher rolls to throw the ball, Runners on-base can announce intent to steal a base. The Runner then rolls Sleight of Hand against the destination Baseman’s Perception. If the Runner wins, the Runner advances by one base. If the Baseman wins by +5, the Runner is out. If it’s a tie (PICKLE!), the adjacent Basemen must take turns making contested Reflex saves vs the Runner's STR/DEX check using the same rules as when a Batter is going for more bases.
    Heckling: Catcher announces whether they will trash talk. Catcher makes an Intimidate check, DC 15, -2 to Batter’s roll. For each 5 you exceed the DC, it’s an additional -2. If the Catcher fails to Intimidate, the Batter gets +2 to hit.
    Pitch: Pitcher rolls a ranged attack to set DC
    Hit: Batter rolls melee club attack to hit ball vs Pitcher's DC
    Hit Results: Batter can ‘crit’ on a nat 20. If confirmed against the Pitcher's DC, it’s an auto-run HR. On an unconfirmed crit, auto-run 2 bases.
    If the Pitcher beats the Batter - STRIKE. If they tie - Ball (4 balls is a walk)
    If the Batter beats the Pitcher, roll 1d4 (1-3 equates to left, center, right, 4 = auto-HR)
    Fielder Catching Ball: The fielder that was rolled on the d4 rolls a Reflex save to catch, DC 15.
    If the fielder’s Reflex save beats 15, the Batter is out due to a fly ball.
    Baseman Catching Ball: The Baseman must then succeed on a Reflex save, DC 15 to catch the (automatic) throw from the fielder. If the Baseman does not succeed, the Runner is safe.
    Running Farther: If the Batter is safe, they can choose to go for extra bases: STR check to run, DEX check to slide. If this roll beats the Baseman’s roll to catch, they are safe. If not, they are out. Batter can roll WIS check DC 15 to know the roll before deciding to go for extra bases. As always, a tie goes to the Runner.
    I'll update this post if we improve them.
    Last edited by bmos; July 23rd, 2021 at 12:55.

  2. #2
    Last edited by bmos; August 9th, 2021 at 17:38.

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