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  1. #1
    Valyar's Avatar
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    Mar 2018

    Drums of War (Symbaroum 2.0)

    The forge is lit, the steel is heating up and the sound of hammers will soon echo in the distance...

    The time has come to bring Symbaroum back on its throne!

    We started working on ruleset update and preparing it for the bright future. Many bugs will be eradicated and quality of life changes introduced for both players and dungeon masters. It is a bit early to scope and list all changes we plan to do, but most of the core work will be refactoring the items, ability and powers library to give more control and customization for the users. Those changes will lead to updates on the character sheet, combat tracker and last but not least - module updates. The ruleset manual will get refresh as well, where necessary.

    After the ruleset and the core books are updated, we will bring in the Advanced Player's Guide and Monster Codex to complete the thorny trinity.

    Feel free to suggest your ideas and we will see if they can be incorporated.
    The past is a rudder to guide us, not an anchor to hold us back.

  2. #2
    outstanding I just bought the ruleset after reading this post. wonderful setting. thanks for working on it again.

  3. #3
    Valyar's Avatar
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    Mar 2018
    The first wave of changes are done, and are mainly related to the character sheet. We have updated the layout and adjusted every frame and control to align them close to pixel perfection (oh god, I hate Unity reload time now). We also introduced extra frames in the Notes tab to match the paper sheet. Inventory tab received code update to properly reflect the setting's currency. This leads to another great benefit that I started to love since I started running 5e games - the party sheet is now properly distributing and selling items if they have cost, and coins go to the right pockets.

    The next step is overhaul the way items work. The items library is overhauled and now the damage is value you can change and is not hardcoded as per the category. If you are creating artifacts, there is Action tab that allows to define their abilities. This was never exposed when creating new items, now it is fact. The layout is subject to change, but it is good starting point.

    One important change that results from the item library update is that we are overhauling how you manage your active equipment. We are introducing the approach we designed in ALIEN RPG and when you set weapon or armor to equipped, they will automatically appear in the Equipment & Combat frame on the main tab. No more managing gear at two places. NPC sheet will also receive benefit of the updated item class.

    Stay tuned for more. Have ideas? Let me know.
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    The past is a rudder to guide us, not an anchor to hold us back.

  4. #4
    Saeval's Avatar
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    West Palm Beach, FL
    This is fantastic news. I'll be messing around with the system as I write my short story to introduce my group to this game and I'll post any Quality of Life ideas I can think of.

  5. #5
    looking fantastic. the party sheet brings a tear to my eyes. Is there a user manual somewhere our group was struggling applying effects properly yesterday. Cheers.

  6. #6
    Valyar's Avatar
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    Mar 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by Kona View Post
    looking fantastic. the party sheet brings a tear to my eyes. Is there a user manual somewhere our group was struggling applying effects properly yesterday. Cheers.
    Which effects? Let me know what you were trying to do and I will see to it.
    Also, there is already user manual on the Wiki https://fantasygroundsunity.atlassia...baroum+Ruleset
    The past is a rudder to guide us, not an anchor to hold us back.

  7. #7
    thanks for the link. I will let you know if that doesn't solve my problem.

  8. #8
    I know this is might be out of place for this wave, but is there a plan or way to add a character/faction relationship tracking sheet for GM use? I am pretty sure I saw one floating around somewhere in one of the Throne of Thorns books, but cannot find it right now. Even if not running that campaign, it would be helpful in tracking what the characters current standing with the different factions is. And if it is in the books somewhere, a little help in reminding me where I saw it would be helpful.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Joram Mistwalker View Post
    I know this is might be out of place for this wave, but is there a plan or way to add a character/faction relationship tracking sheet for GM use? I am pretty sure I saw one floating around somewhere in one of the Throne of Thorns books, but cannot find it right now. Even if not running that campaign, it would be helpful in tracking what the characters current standing with the different factions is. And if it is in the books somewhere, a little help in reminding me where I saw it would be helpful.
    Found it. It is in the back of the Gamemaster's Guide.

  10. #10
    Fantastic news!! We have played trough the Copper Crown with FG. Right now we do a campaign in 5e but will soon be back to Symbaroum. I think having APG ready and one module from the Thorne Campaigne is critical to have people using FGU as the main VTT. FGU is fantastic in many ways but some of the other VTT is (what I can see) little more open to create own stuff and share.

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