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  1. #191
    I found something interesting... It seems that use automation on weapons with the thrown trait only works with the last weapon the program creates as shown on the picture.


    The 1st weapon is the melee one and the 2nd is the ranged 20 feet it creates.
    Last edited by Zieg; August 2nd, 2021 at 13:20.

  2. #192
    The focus spell Inspire Defense incorrectly has RESIST: [HCL] physical, while the amount should be half the spell level. Although I'm not sure how you'd write an automation for that.

  3. #193
    Hello. Some questions that just came up:

    - With weapon effects only handling attach and damage effects yet, what would be the best way to handle weapon critical effects?

    - Is it planned to make "Apply all spell effects" also trigger on spell attack rolls (not just saves)?

    - "Apply all spell effects" does not seem to work on "Self" unless a caster specifically targets themself before hitting the "Apply..." button. This happens despite Targeting and effects being set to "Self".

    - Is there a way to see which spells have hardcoded effects already and which do not? (similar to the small A for feats)

    - I noticed that the hardcoded spell "Color Spray" loses some effects when "Reparse spell actions" is used. Is this expected?

  4. #194
    For "Apply all effects" SELF targeting saving throws and SELF targeting spell effects do not apply when a player does not specifically target themself on top of the spell and effects already being set to SELF.

    So in order to use "Apply all effects" to themself a player has to target themself for both the save and the apply button, else nothing is applied.

  5. #195
    I gave it another try and this time it seems that the player (or GM) only has to target themself for the final "Apply all effects", not for the save. We still would prefer if that was not necessary for SELF effects, because that means to switch targets between enemies and self despite the effects already being set to SELF.

  6. #196
    Quote Originally Posted by Trenloe View Post
    [*]Added basic effects to weapons in the PC actions tab - these are applied to attack and damage actions. Can be initially populated via new item "use" automation.
    Are there plans to expand these to allow PERS or DMGO effects? (only PERS allows a save, correct?) A flaming (rune) weapon could apply its persistent fire damage automatically on crits then, for example.

    Maybe even general effects like "prone; flat-footed" that would allow weapon specialization effects to be automatically applied on crits?
    Last edited by Weissrolf; August 26th, 2021 at 10:58.

  7. #197
    I could use an assist; the human ancestry feat "Irriseni Ice-Witch" grants you 5 + half your level in cold resistance. However, I can't seem to get a form of 'RESIST: {HLVLM1}+5 cold' (or a handful of variations of it) to work. Any ideas besides just manually setting it to a static number that we'd have to change every other level?

  8. #198
    When I set the feat up like this it seems to work properly.

  9. #199
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JkCaron View Post
    I could use an assist; the human ancestry feat "Irriseni Ice-Witch" grants you 5 + half your level in cold resistance. However, I can't seem to get a form of 'RESIST: {HLVLM1}+5 cold' (or a handful of variations of it) to work. Any ideas besides just manually setting it to a static number that we'd have to change every other level?
    There's currently an issue with using {HLVLM1}+X - it only uses the X not the dynamic variable. Do what @Darkrite indicates.
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

  10. #200
    Can I create an Item automation that creates a spell? My goal is to add an action for the PC once they add the item to their sheet. I created a spell named Greater Matoke, that has a heal effect. Then I added the following item automation:

    [SPELL add greater matoke|Items]

    Would that work, assuming a Spellclass Items exist?

    Edit: I got it working like this:

    [SPELLCLASS add focus|Items|occult|charisma|untrained|1][SPELL add greater matoke|Items]

    Really cool!
    Last edited by dsaraujo; August 29th, 2021 at 18:46.
    Daniel Salles de Araújo (@dsaraujo)
    Developer of PFRPG2 GM Enhancements - Improve your Pathfinder 2E game!
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