1. #1

    CT Column Visibility for Players

    I have noticed that columns 1 and 2 in the Combat Tracker can now only be set as GM only or Off. A game I am currently running has these columns set to be visible for the player & GM (see Options Current Campaign.jpg).

    I have just set up a new campaign do test out changes to an extension I am working on and I can no longer set columns 1 and 2 to be visible to the players.

    I have checked another test area that I use where these are set and I can change the settings but only to either GM only or Off (see Options #1 & Options #2 attached).

    Can anyone tell me where this change has occurred (maybe a CoreRPG thing).

    I am running MoreCore 1.62 and the latest updates of FGU. Nothing has changed in my extension since before the most recent updates.
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  2. #2
    damned's Avatar
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    From memory that was by design.
    But this hasnt changed in... years?
    You will need to adjust the settings by extension methinks.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    From memory that was by design.
    But this hasnt changed in... years?
    You will need to adjust the settings by extension methinks.
    Seems a bit strange if this is the case. I have a MoreCore test campaign that I set up at the beginning of the year and I set the options as shown. If it was by design that I could not set them to both then I couldn't have what is shown. Now when I cycle through the options I only have GM Only or Off.

    Can you point me to the files that deal with these settings so I can look to update my extension with these being set to both GM & player.

    Thanks in advance.
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  4. #4
    damned's Avatar
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    I can confirm that Column 1 and Column 2 never had options to share with players.
    This was a deliberate decision as this shows the enemies Mx HP and Defense values.
    This has not changed since it was implemented.

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