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  1. #51
    Quote Originally Posted by superteddy57 View Post
    Great to hear things are moving along. Does the Exploits title change with setting?
    No, they're called "Exploits" in all settings.

  2. #52
    Thanks for all the work you've done! I've seen some great benefits in my game so far.

    I've found another small issue though, in the movement adjustment section of the character sheet, the Misc column specifically for the normal speed, not the climb or swim speeds, doesn't correctly add into the final speed displayed on the character sheet.

  3. #53
    Quote Originally Posted by suskeyhose View Post
    Thanks for all the work you've done! I've seen some great benefits in my game so far.

    I've found another small issue though, in the movement adjustment section of the character sheet, the Misc column specifically for the normal speed, not the climb or swim speeds, doesn't correctly add into the final speed displayed on the character sheet.
    Thanks for the report. I'll add it to my list of things to investigate.
    Dominic Morta
    Ruleset Developer

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  4. #54
    Thanks for the new update, it fixes a few things that I'd been missing, I'm quite happy about it overall!

    Unfortunately there's one little snag, with the new update I'm currently unable to set item types when creating new items. That section of the item is blank (although the values are clearly still there as old items with categories have the additional statistics included).

  5. #55
    It also appears that identified and non-identified names are swapped in the inventory (but not in the item details) for players.

  6. #56
    I just pushed up a fix for the Type/Subtype fields not always displaying in the Test channel; which is scheduled to go Live this week.

    For the swapped identification names, which sheet are you looking at where the names are swapped? Character sheet inventory? Something else?


  7. #57
    Awesome, thanks for pushing the fix.

    The names were swapped in the character sheet inventory for the players, but not for the GM.

  8. #58
    Is it possible to do something with "Exploits"? For now all exploits are blank and uneditable.

  9. #59
    Just pushed a fix that should restore the data fields on the Career and Exploits records.


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