Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
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  1. #1
    SoxMax's Avatar
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    Massachusetts, USA

    On Hit Effects Extension

    Hey everyone I've been working on an extension to allow attacks apply effects on hit. Well technically its on damage, as things like DR can prevent an effect from being applied if the attack does no damage. If anyone runs into any problems please let me know!

    The effects are added in the details for weapons on the actions page. This image should show an example of a sickened effect which lasts 2 rounds that would get applied.

    Source Code
    Last edited by SoxMax; March 5th, 2023 at 17:04. Reason: better images

  2. #2
    Kelrugem's Avatar
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    Göttingen (Germany)
    Nice, thanks a lot

  3. #3
    can't download without an account on that site

  4. #4
    Also, if you used any code from official rulesets or extensions in your module, we do not allow distribution on third party websites. (such as Nexus Mods) Especially, since it requires an additional login.

    Please post as an attachment to this thread instead.


  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by SoxMax View Post
    Hey everyone I've been working on an extension to allow attacks apply effects on hit. Well technically its on damage, as things like DR can prevent an effect from being applied if the attack does no damage. If anyone runs into any problems please let me know!

    Source Code
    Would you be able to give some examples and/or screenshots? Thank you!

    These are the modules and extensions created and/or taken over by dellanx for PFRPG.

    I had a lot of help and advice from many here at FG.

    Thank You!

  6. #6
    SoxMax's Avatar
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    I added a link to the releases on Github as well if people don't want to create a Nexus account. I didn't realize Nexus requires a login now I've just had an account for years. I would recommend using the nexus option though since you can handle the download and installation with Vortex and the Fantasy Grounds extension I created. This will let you know when there's updates updates to the extension and 1 click to update them.

    @Moon Wizard
    I don't think this uses any code from official rulesets/modules unless calling the global declarations like ActionDamage.applyDamage counts?

  7. #7
    We prefer not to have links for our users for getting community content which requires yet another login just for that content linked from our site. Including a link to download the extension, and to point at a repo, is expected. Posting a link which requires a login to get content is not. I'll have to check with Doug if we don't already have wording somewhere to prevent those kinds of links for exactly that issue.

    Also, if you're already posting the link here, why would users want to go to Nexus Mods anyway?


  8. #8

    The effects are added in the details for weapons on the actions page. This image should show an example of a sickened effect which lasts 2 rounds that would get applied.
    Attachment 46460


    Thank you SomMax, looks Awesome! Will have to give it a try.

    p/s: Is it possible to add effect OnCritical?

    These are the modules and extensions created and/or taken over by dellanx for PFRPG.

    I had a lot of help and advice from many here at FG.

    Thank You!

  9. #9
    SoxMax's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Wizard View Post
    We prefer not to have links for our users for getting community content which requires yet another login just for that content linked from our site. Including a link to download the extension, and to point at a repo, is expected. Posting a link which requires a login to get content is not. I'll have to check with Doug if we don't already have wording somewhere to prevent those kinds of links for exactly that issue.

    Also, if you're already posting the link here, why would users want to go to Nexus Mods anyway?

    Completely understood. I've mainly been providing Nexus links for the convenience in downloads/updates. As Nexus supports their Vortex download tool which informs users when their extensions have received updates from authors, and they can then 1 click to get the new update. I assume its fine if I provide links to both Github releases which require no account and Nexus releases which do in case users want the convivence?

  10. #10
    SoxMax's Avatar
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    Massachusetts, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by dellanx View Post
    p/s: Is it possible to add effect OnCritical?
    I hadn't thought about this but it should be doable. The hardest part I think will be making it so the UI doesn't look like garbage.

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