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  1. #41
    Attached you will find my latest small update to my Mythras Mod. This has been added in request to a user.
    It now allows you to add additional Hit Locations to your characters and NPCs.
    This can be done by right clicking to the right of the main Location stats, and selecting create item.
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    Last edited by Lonarandir; October 8th, 2021 at 11:23.

  2. #42
    Quote Originally Posted by trembot_89 View Post
    I have been (im)patiently waiting for a FG Mythras ruleset, well done!!!
    I'll very much ditto this. I only I wish I'd noticed this ruleset earlier - saw & downloaded the extension in the MoreCore forum about a year ago, but it wasn't quite feature-rich enough for me to build with it. I'm now making up for lost time and going full steam ahead with inputting Mythic Britain. I just decided to disembark at a station long enough to say....thank you, THANK YOU!

    I'm wondering where I should create the MB Cultures, Homelands & Tribes, Religions, and Classes & Ranks? My initial thought was to create them under Story groups, as I know they can be exported effectively to a custom player module. But is there perhaps a better place?

  3. #43
    Quote Originally Posted by Lonarandir View Post
    Attached you will find my latest small update to my Mythras Mod. This has been added in request to a user.
    It now allows you to add additional Hit Locations to your characters and NPCs.
    This can be done by right clicking to the right of the main Location stats, and selecting create item.
    I appreciate all the compassion and ongoing work you're pouring into this ruleset.

    One thing that's come up as I build a custom module using your Mythras.pak ruleset, is that I'm unable to export Skills? I can export everything else, just not Skills. It's a bit of a show stopper for getting a campaign off the ground, because I've entered the Standard and Professional Skills under a custom group, but have no way to share them with my players.
    Last edited by kronovan; November 23rd, 2021 at 22:20.

  4. #44
    Hi there.
    To share a skill:Skill Sharing.jpg
    Open your skill list and right click on the skill you wish to share and select Share Record.
    This will allow your players to see this skill in their skill list.
    This is the same with Weapons and Spells.

    If you wish to save your record and use it for modules then you will have to copy the .db file from within the campaign folder. When you create a new campaign then drop the copied .db file into the new campaign folder. This will save you having to recreate everything every time you create a new campaign using my mod.

  5. #45
    I create this information in the notes and then share it to my players and drop it into their background notes for them to reference. This information can of course all be added to a story board by adding the notes as buttons to be opened.

  6. #46
    damned's Avatar
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    Please add this line:
    		bExport = true,
    to SpellManager.lua, SkillManager.lua, GearManager.lua

    Then you (and others) can export directly from your campaign to your modules.

  7. #47
    Thanks for this Damned.
    Unfortunately it does not appear to be working for me, so I guess I am doing something wrong. My SpellManager.lua looks like this. The rest are basically the same. Where have I gone wrong as it still does not export?

    function onInit()

    LibraryData.aRecords["spells"] = {
    aDataMap = { "spells" },
    aDisplayIcon = { "spells", "spells_down" },
    sRecordDisplayClass = "spell_card",
    bExport = true


  8. #48

  9. #49
    Thanks again for that Damned. Worked this time............SHOCK.

  10. #50
    Thankyou very much to Damned for solving a problem that was beyond me, and was asked for by a lot of users of my Mod.
    To transfer SKILLS, WEAPONS and SPELLS from one campaign to the next simply add the Mythras Imperative rules to your campaign. This will provide a template for your new campaign.
    Over the coming days I will populate the Mythras Imperative Ruleset with the basic weapons and spells in the game.
    I have also updated the Mythras.pak and Mythras.ext so that any modules that you create and export will have the ability to export Skills. Weapons and Spells.
    For now here is a currently updated Mythras Imperative that shows my own campaign data.

    One again, thankyou so much for Damned as this small line of code will make such a huge difference to not only mine, but everyone else's game.
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    Last edited by Lonarandir; November 24th, 2021 at 09:21.

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